Jimmy Cantrell
Re: Northumberland Development Project
Might be of interest to those of you not following the SSC thread...
Community collective's charter urges people to oppose regeneration (From Haringey Independent)/
Hopefully this means that work on the new stadium is due to start imminently at least... what with Valentino's and the Corner Pin gone, the rest of the pubs around the ground are going to get even more rammed before/after games though!
Nightclub closes because of new Spurs stadium (From Haringey Independent)
Might be of interest to those of you not following the SSC thread...
Community collective's charter urges people to oppose regeneration (From Haringey Independent)/
A collective of 30 different community groups have put together a charter urging people to oppose the Haringey Council’s plans to regenerate Tottenham.
The Our Tottenham group want community led redevelopment and have raised a number of issues with the current proposals for the area.
These included the defence of community facilities, housing, support for small businesses and developing local community plans.
The charter was decided at a conference held on April 6 when 110 representatives from the different groups got together to discuss what they hoped to achieve.
It accuses the authority of promoting a plan for Tottenham backed by property developers, big business and the Mayor of London who have all largely refused to listen to the view of residents.
It said: “The plans promote corporate-led and large scale urban development; increased rents and unaffordable housing; and the loss of some independent local shops, homes, community facilities and small businesses.”
Some of the things the group promise to do are defend community facilities, stand up for decent and affordable housing, support small businesses and promote quality design and respect for heritage in the area.
To read the full charter, click here.
Hopefully this means that work on the new stadium is due to start imminently at least... what with Valentino's and the Corner Pin gone, the rest of the pubs around the ground are going to get even more rammed before/after games though!
Nightclub closes because of new Spurs stadium (From Haringey Independent)
A nightclub owner will shut his doors for the last time after almost 40 years because of the redevelopment of Tottenham.
Tony Walker, of Rudolph’s Club in High Road, has to close down his business so it can be turned into a car park for the new Tottenham Hotspur football stadium.
...Rudolph’s last day of trade will be on May 19 to coincide with the last game of the season and 25 members of staff will lose their jobs as a result of the closure.