There was loads of people walking out with them at "The Finale". Bloke at WHL Station had a Draper tool box big enough to put an angle grinder in and the 5 or 6 women in the row next to me (and their hubbies/partners in the row behind) spent the whole time people were on the pitch unscrewing their seats/back rests. Those carriers the club gave out with the T/Ss came in quite handy

From talking to them, they all seemed to be ST holders of quite long standing, so fair play.
Tbf most of the people I saw with seats etc (like 20 foot signs

) looked like they might think "wtf am I going to do with this?" once they'd sobered up.
I have to confess I brought a square of pitch home with me. I laid it out in a nice big flower pot for it to recover and take root, only for a fvcking crow to swoop down and take it off to its nest

There's a bundle of branches, twigs and assorted nesting materials 30 foot up a tree on the Leeds Ring Road that will forever be part of The Lane