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Tim Sherwood…gone \o/

Do you want Tim Sherwood to stay as manager?

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Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Do they not remember him as a player? He was a horrible gutless player who minced through a few seasons with us. It's a bit like in 10 years time Ashley Cole or Charlie Adam rocking up as our manager.

He was also very active in undermining Hoddle as manager. For all the talk of the body language of some of our players, remember Timmeh actually said this in 2003: "The players turn up to training, put in minimal amount of effort they have to. No one pushes themselves for him"

Yeah because Sherwood is the only player to ever criticise Hoddle. There are an awful lot of players who considered him to be off his rocker and a poor man manager. The end of Hoddle's reign at Spurs, and I'm talking 9-10 months, was horrible. That wasn't Sherwood's fault.

I saw another poster, or maybe it was you, say Hoddle led England to a very good World Cup campaign. He didn't really. They got to the second round which is no better than Capello and worse than Sven's two efforts. The loss to Romania was desperate and led to a harder second round tie than they should have had. Hoddle's managerial record, Southampton and maybe Chelsea aside, is one of underachievement.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I gave Dim a chance to see what he can do. Now I just hate the guy, for football reasons only and not necessarily his character as a person, which I am also beginning to question.

- He has no clue about team selection
- He has no clue about team formation
- He has no clue about tactics
- His press interviews and comments are embarrassing

He is the wrong guy at the wrong time and wrong place.

If you see him on TV, with his winks and smirks, it makes my blood boil.

I look at him and think he looks and acts like:

- A barrel boy, selling fake or stolen stuff in a busy street, ready to take off if police arrive
- A guy standing around the corner, with a oversize jacket with fake or stolen watches, which he flashes as you walk past

He cannot be the future manager of my club. End off.

- Bring LVG as the manger ASAP
- Make Ledley King part of his team. LK has expressed a desire to one day manage Spurs. He is working on his badges.



Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I gave Dim a chance to see what he can do. Now I just hate the guy, for football reasons only and not necessarily his character as a person, which I am also beginning to question.

- He has no clue about team selection
- He has no clue about team formation
- He has no clue about tactics
- His press interviews and comments are embarrassing

He is the wrong guy at the wrong time and wrong place.

If you see him on TV, with his winks and smirks, it makes my blood boil.

I look at him and think he looks and acts like:

- A barrel boy, selling fake or stolen stuff in a busy street, ready to take off if police arrive
- A guy standing around the corner, with a oversize jacket with fake or stolen watches, which he flashes as you walk past

He cannot be the future manager of my club. End off.

- Bring LVG as the manger ASAP
- Make Ledley King part of his team. LK has expressed a desire to one day manage Spurs. He is working on his badges.




good post, sums up my feelings too.......but the part about LVG and Ledley is something I hadnt considered before. Its a brilliant suggestion =D>
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

King hasn't got any of his coaching badges yet (I believe he said as much in an interview), would he be ready to join on as a senior coach?
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

So according to this he's going back to watching from the touchline now

The whole where he's watching the game issue is an indicator that the guy hasnt made up his mind about a lot of the details of management yet. Also he seems to flip flop from one thing to another in an attempt to please the media. He moved upstairs away he got stick about going nuts on the touchline. He moved away from 442 to get away from the old school 442 image he was getting in the media.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

If you have family that are disabled and aren't offended, then it suggests you you would rather hero worship an ex-player at your families expense, shame on you. Equally, just because you may choose to not be offended, doesn't make it ok. I'll leave it at that.

I've got family who are disabled, but it doesn't mean I get angry at people because of the religious beliefs they have. People are made up of shades of white, black and grey all around the world, and to focus on one element that is different - well isn't this the problem in the first place?
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

You are getting what's going on here totally wrong. Your post above suggests you think there's a strong pro-Sherwood lobby out there willing to trot out any excuse to defend him. You are totally wrong about that.

Rather, what you are seeing is a strong anti-hysterical mob lobby. Because as the last couple of pages have shown, a hysterical mob is what we have now. Pitchforks and torches.

Tim Sherwood meant pretty much zero to me before a couple of months ago. He was a guy who won the league with Blackburn in the 90's, and is now coaching at Spurs in some capacity or other. Literally knew nothing else about the guy and couldn't have cared less about him one way or the other. If I'd never heard his name again I wouldn't even have noticed. For that matter, if I don't hear his name again after Monday night I probably wouldn't notice that either.

I suspect 90%+ of Spurs fans are much the same. And yet you seem to think that from that has sprung this virulent pro-Sherwood grouping? True believers in the cult of Timbo willing to say anything to defend him?

Well, you are totally wrong about that.

People are actually responding to stuff like this bollox complaint about him not taking notes in the stand at Anfield. Sorry, we could be coached by Crusty the Clown or Bill Shankly and that complaint would be full depart in either instance. Full, 100% depart. Or, these complaints about our high line against Liverpool when, in fact, we didn't play a high line against fukking Liverpool! Again, I don't care who's the coach or what the tactics are, if people insist on talking such total bollox some of us will call them out on it. The fact it happens to be Sherwood is pretty much beside the point.

Probably the best post in this thread.

There are very few posters who are 'pro-Sherwood' which some of the most virulent posters on here try to suggest. What there are are people who have said give him a chance, people who don't like some of the ridiculous theories being touted and people who recognise he's gonna be manager till the end of the season and just getting on with this mind**** of a season till we can start again in the summer.

My own view has stayed constant. I wanted AVB before we hired him. By the end, I was starting to have serious doubts but I still think we should have kept him on. At the same time, it seems like the professional relationship between him and Levy had broken down, in which case I can understand why he was moved on. However, I said he shouldn't have been moved on unless we had someone decent to step in. We obviously did not.

I think Sherwood as a man is a complete scumbag. He's a lying snake. However, I was willing to give him a chance because, let's face it, what were the choices? He started off ok and has gotten progressively worse. In a way this is good because it will have stopped any Levy urge to make him permanent manager. His manner as our manager has been poor and embarassing.

What a lot of posters (including me) haven't liked are those who have become completely hysterical, seeing conspiracies at every turn, criticising even where there is no criticism to be had, asking for him to be fired with 6 games left (and thus ensuring our status as the biggest joke club in the league).

What is the point?
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Can we run a book on the next crackpot thing Timmeh is going to say?

- Compare himself with Bill Nich
- Call the fans idiots
- Talk about how the club could do with a 'character' players like Sol Campbell and Ashley Cole
- Say Levy would be racist if he replaced him with a Dutchman
- Announce that Sandro could to learn a thing or two about being a CM if he watched some videos of him from the 90s
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

didn't Bill Nic work is way up from youth coach?

we are idiots

we've lacked character all season

sandro is a far superior talent to Tim but he doesn't effect the game the way Sherwood did in his prime IMO
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

didn't Bill Nic work is way up from youth coach?

we are idiots

we've lacked character all season

sandro is a far superior talent to Tim but he doesn't effect the game the way Sherwood did in his prime IMO

Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

You couldn't be more correct. I find it curious as to why no Spurs fan I know in person has such dislike for Sherwood or talks such utter and ubsubstantiated nonsense about him as some internet warriors on here...

He's a mate of Arry and he's cut from the same cloth as him, it really is as simple as that.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

The whole thing is getting so tiring…6 games left…let's just hope we don't disappear into 11/12th and that we show some pride. I think TS has answered a lot of the questions we were all asking, it's getting boring ****ing him off every 5 seconds, we're all frustrated, etc…roll on the summer...
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

The whole thing is getting so tiring…6 games left…let's just hope we don't disappear into 11/12th and that we show some pride. I think TS has answered a lot of the questions we were all asking, it's getting boring ****ing him off every 5 seconds, we're all frustrated, etc…roll on the summer...

I agree. I don't understand why people feel the need to come in here and post exactly the same thing every day but it is even worse when they feel the need to spout vitriol in every other thread on the board too.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

The fact that he still hasn't been sacked annoys me. I want him gone and need to vent a bit of frustration at times
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

didn't Bill Nic work is way up from youth coach?

So every youth coach is now a potential Bill Nich?

we are idiots

What makes us so? For spotting when Sherwood is out of his depth?

we've lacked character all season

Define 'character' please

sandro is a far superior talent to Tim but he doesn't effect the game the way Sherwood did in his prime IMO

Not sure if serious...?
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I don't understand why so many on here seem to just accept some of the utter rubbish he is saying! It's so obvious that he cannot get his message across to the players, they are not listening and not playing for him. This makes him frustrated and he is lashing out after every embarrassing defeat in anger. Doesn't bode well for him in his career as z manager. I just want him to be managing elsewhere next year and hold no I'll feeling. Just make sure he's not with us next season!
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

So every youth coach is now a potential Bill Nich?

What makes us so? For spotting when Sherwood is out of his depth?

Define 'character' please

Not sure if serious...?

every coach is a potential Bill, you can only accurately gauge managers after their career, they all have to start somewhere

I mean generally, your average football fan (I include myself here) knows next to nothing about football when compared to the professionals


very serious, I think Sandro has far more ability than Sherwood ever had
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I don't think managers know a great deal more than most clued up football fans.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Please tell me he never said that. I've been losing patience with this bloke for a while, but to make a statement like that would be the straw that crushed the camel into the dirt. Has he decided that because he might not have a job next season that he is best served smashing our players self belief to pieces?

eh? smashing players self belief to pieces?

I'm sure lloris is crying bucket loads for being labelled a £100m player. How dare Tim say such outrageous things when we all know Lloris is really a £120m player.