Jimmy McCormick
More to the point, it dosnt get exported to every country and counted in the top 50 British export products, or influence billions of young football fans globally ( by young I mean gullible and prone to marketing flimflam ). Which is of course the worry that the Durham Miners have been voicing, and have been calling for a restored Miners Trade Union banner at the stadium to remind people of the sacrifice of millions of ordinary people fighting facists from Cable Street to Guam. The Japanese facists were eating POWs in Borneo because they considered them not even human.
At the risk of sounding racist, I have zero faith in Itlay or its facist tendencies. The whole country is run by Germany anyway now, no more Bunga Bunga parties for you Berlusconi! I also enjoy the Christopher walken scene in True Romance, my favourite bit of 'fudge you nazis' in film history!
Which is ironic, because if nobody had made a big deal about it and sensationalised it in the media the 'young' football fans wouldn't have been any the wiser.
Also dangerous. Di Canio wasn't wandering around spouting off propaganda at everyone at Sunderland. Are we as a country now deciding that young people have to be spoon fed ideas that are deemed 'acceptable' rather than making up their own minds?
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