Johnny nice-tits
Somebody at my work keeps leaving the biggest skids ever, right up the pan, I honestly think they must brick standing up its rank
Will your pre-interview nerves not bring the window forward?Got a job interview next week - right in the middle of my usual crud window.
Do I force the issue and go in empty or use the power of the bowel to focus my mind.
Think i've got a bug, been sick 4 times during the day and done two more evil evil splatsWoke up with horrendous stomach pains this morning, I literally had to sprint to the loo and totally pebble dashed the pan, it smelt evil, not a nice wake up call
Just tell them your having a toss instead.I hate it when you're out with a mate, you start to feel the need for a big dump coming on. You want to go but can'ts it feels socially awkward to say 'hey, do you mind waiting around for ten minutes whilst I have a big dump?!'..especially if your mate is female & you've headed out somewhere for the day. What is the solution then? I'm just relieved that I didn't have the cruds, that would have been even worse!