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The "Official" 2013/14 Other teams matches thread

If Hart is England's undisputed #1 keeper at the end of the season the WC will be a chore. Oh wait...

its not his fault he's the best we've got, one could say he's actively trying to give someone else a chance

theres also a bit of bandwagon jumping going on, he's always been dodgy from set pieces, this isn't a case of Hart regressing its just that the circle jerk has stopped
its not his fault he's the best we've got, one could say he's actively trying to give someone else a chance

theres also a bit of bandwagon jumping going on, he's always been dodgy from set pieces, this isn't a case of Hart regressing its just that the circle jerk has stopped

I agree, but must seriously question whether he is, in fact, the best option. Ruddy, now that he is fit, is a viable alternative.
Former Emirates Marketing Project assistant David Platt has claimed that Joe Hart would no longer be playing for the club had Roberto Mancini not been sacked as manager.

The England international has come in for more criticism following another mistake in today's 3-2 defeat to Cardiff City.

The Italian publicly criticised Hart on a few occasions during his tenure at the Etihad Stadium, and Platt has revealed that plans to replace him were in the works.

"If Mancini and I were still at Emirates Marketing Project this year, Joe Hart wouldn't be there," Platt told Al Jazeera. "We made a decision to sign Asmir Begovic."

It's early, very early days but I am struggling to see why Emirates Marketing Project chose to pay £30 million for Fernandinho when they could clearly have beaten us out of sight with a good offer to Paulinho after meeting his £17m clause.
It's early, very early days but I am struggling to see why Emirates Marketing Project chose to pay £30 million for Fernandinho when they could clearly have beaten us out of sight with a good offer to Paulinho after meeting his £17m clause.
You can add Capoue and Soldado, Man U and Arsenal to that conundrum.
Wayne Rooney starts for #MUFC. No recognised striker in the #CFC XI - Lukaku & Torres on bench, Ba didn't travel.

Man Utd team to play Chelsea: De Gea, Jones, Ferdinand, Vidic, Evra, Carrick, Cleverley, Valencia, Welbeck, Rooney, Van Persie

Chelsea team to play Man Utd: Cech, Ivanovic, Cahill, Terry, Cole, Ramires, Lampard, De Bruyne, Oscar, Hazard, Schurrle.

Chelsea really lacking an attacking midfielder I see.