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The midweek/weekend games thread

whos fatter?

  • grant holt

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • mark viduka

    Votes: 17 89.5%

  • Total voters
Gomez has had a great season. He did the same thing before the last Euros, then came into the tournament hyped to fudge.
I'll always remember him doing this.

Very impressed with Gomez tonight. Looked like it wasn't going to be his night, but he kept going and eventually got his goal. Think how many goals he'd get in our team with Bale and Lennon firing balls in! He's a physical presence, his great movement, always seems to be in the right place at the right time. As close to a goal poacher as there is these days!

Also impressed with Kroos!

Ronaldo showed why he isn't in the same class as Messi tonight. Messi would keep going, Ronaldo gets the hump when things aren't going for him.

Marcelo is a ****!

Neville and Souness are my two favourite pundits.
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Very impressed with Gomez tonight. Looked like it wasn't going to be his night, but he kept going and eventually got his goal. Think how many goals he'd get in our team with Bale and Lennon firing balls in! He's a physical presence, his great movement, always seems to be in the right place at the right time. As close to a goal poacher as there is these days!

Also impressed with Kroos!

Ronaldo showed why he isn't in the same class as Messi tonight. Messi would keep going, Ronaldo gets the hump when things aren't going for him.

Marcelo is a ****!

Neville and Souness are my two favourite pundits.

I think this is a good point. While Ronaldo absolutely tears average to good defenders and teams apart he seems to me to be nullified by good teams a bit easier than Messi is. If he faces immediate pressure and isn't given space or time to get up to speed he struggles to get going. If Messi faces immediate pressure he pretty much spins, skips, dribbles or cartwheels out of those congested areas.
I think this is a good point. While Ronaldo absolutely tears average to good defenders and teams apart he seems to me to be nullified by good teams a bit easier than Messi is. If he faces immediate pressure and isn't given space or time to get up to speed he struggles to get going. If Messi faces immediate pressure he pretty much spins, skips, dribbles or cartwheels out of those congested areas.

Whilst he was in England United's main rivals were Chelsea.
His stats against them are terrible. 1 goal, 2 assists in the 15 games he's played against them.
Gomez is showing the same form he showed in 07-08 season leading up to last euros in which he flopped but lets be honest if we wanted him that was the only time we should have for him
Really want to watch the Chelsea/Barca game tonight but it means getting up at 3am. Ah the negatives of living in Perth...
I do them no disservice, mate. I merely point out that sometimes the media can get the better of you. I'm certainly not immune. Neither are you. I, for example, bought into all that 'Rooney, Best Player EVARRRR!' bull at WC 2010, and I was the first to fall for all that 'Huzzah for Spurs and Harry!' palaver they came out with earlier in the season when we were roaring into third. I'm sure you have something like that as well. But occasionally, you might see something that other people can't, or won't. For me, I don't see a fat laughing stock who failed at Liverpool; I see a seriously experienced trophy winner. He's won the CL, for GHod's sake.

Like I said before, he has negatives; of course he does. He's not Jock Stein reborn with the tactical mind of Cesar Menotti. But he's better than, say, Lambert at this point in time. And Rodgers. And Moyes. And Martinez. And Bilic.

We all have something we rage against the world about; I've got several, and Benitez' ill treatment is one of those niggles.;)

I accept full well the media did a very good hatchet job on him, Im not blind.

I can state with full confidence though that my judgement of him has nothing to do with the media and everything to do with how I saw him manage Liverpool.

His record speaks for itself, its impecable. Thats not all there is to the equation though for me.
Torres, Drogba, Sturridge, Lampard, Mata and Kalou have scored 63 goals between them this season. Lionel Messi has scored 63 goals himself..