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The Goon Thread

I wouldn't say it's pathetic, a lot on here would have happily given Modric abuse and at that friendly quite a few did but cheers always drown out boos or other disgruntled sounds.

And you have to consider the fact he's been paid week in week out whilst injured for large chunks of the seven seasons or whatever he's been at Arsenal. Then finally stays fit for a whole season and because he performs exceptionally well he should jump ship? Hmmm.......
He's getting on to 30 years old now. Why would you want your talents wasted at a club who aren't challenging for things? When one of the biggest clubs in the world go for you, how can you say no
True but he cited lack of ambition for wanting to leave didn't he? I think they've made a clear statement of intent this window, and I don't see them any weaker than Man Utd squad wise and should be close to them this season, especially if RVP carried on his form.....

At least last season we gave Modric a great reception in our final pre-season friendly.

Are you kidding?

If anything - were fickle knobs for showing support to a player who clearly doesnt want to wear the white shirt. Goons are spot on here, imv!
We were right to support him as he then went on to perform at his best for the following 38 games. Booing could've only harmed us.
You're right, we should've booed him, made him play like brick and then refuse to play. That would've done us the world of good. But at least you'd have felt better then Roy.
You're right, we should've booed him, made him play like brick and then refuse to play. That would've done us the world of good. But at least you'd have felt better then Roy.

To quote your favourite phrase

'Theres no proof that would've happened'
When have I said that?

Yes there is no proof, but surely you can see it would've done us no good at all to have the crowd booing everytime he touched the ball? If it makes you feel like a big man then I guess what happens to the team doesn't matter eh.
When have I said that?

Yes there is no proof, but surely you can see it would've done us no good at all to have the crowd booing everytime he touched the ball? If it makes you feel like a big man then I guess what happens to the team doesn't matter eh.

After what he's done why should he be applauded? If you don't wanna boo fine just be silent. How would he have felt if Peter Abbott had said number 14 Luka Modric and it was met by tumbleweed?!! Let him know how we feel.

Nothing wrong with that. Tottenham come first not love for any individual let alone one who doesn't want to be here.
Yes but do you not see how you and the rest of the crowd booing his every touch could negatively affect the team? You say Tottenham comes first but it doesn't sound like it to me.
I haven't said I would, or suggest we should, boo his every touch. I don't disagree with the scum fans either. Rvp will now know exactly how he is regarded by the clubs fans. Why should he be applauded by the fans who pay him good money to publicly declare he doesn't want to play there. Same with Modric.
Nothing wrong with that. Tottenham come first not love for any individual let alone one who doesn't want to be here.

If Tottenham come first, then we need our best players to be performing at their best and Modric is head and shoulders above any other player at the club.
Yawn yawn yawn can't back up his arguments so resorts to insults yawn yawn!

What? Insults?!? fudging hell lol!!

He might be the best player at the club in your opinion but not in mine pal!!!

Tell ya what lets keep him. fudge it let's give him 120k per week and the armband shall we?!?