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The Goon Thread

Compared to the whinger of 10 years ago he's lost it. Not his ability but his demeanour. He's a total nutter nowadays whereas he used to be ice cool.
Saw this on Twitter :lol:

i dont agree personally

this whole thing is philosophical at its core.

wenger isnt exactly staying still..he has a style he wants to play and he plays it irrespective of opposition. he was the guy that came over and really had the greatest impact as far as introducing a new style of play in the country and making the premiership as a whole really stand up and take notice as o how a few adjustments can really generate good performance and results

I actually admire the idea of playing your own way and f*ck the opposition. It's something that I'd like to have seen Spurs do more of over the last few years.

Trouble is though, that style of play has become increasingly easy to stop and the evidence suggests that he has little clue what to do when it needs changing. There are matches where his options are to do it their way and get destroyed or go defensive (like against Barca) and have no clue what they're doing - they didn't even register a shot on goal in that match.

you say he's staying still? but there is nowhere vfor him to go right now and people are catching up cause they were so far behind and having him here year in year to play against doesnt nothing but imporve teams tactically and professionally. Add to that , his pieces for his team arent as trong as it used to be

The fact that they finished 3rd last season suggests to me that there's quite a way for them to go. I agree that his teams aren't as strong as they used to be, but they're not really spending a lot less - Wenger is just buying more duff players.

i agree with the first bit you mention but you could say that wenger has never been calm when losing

and i'm not so sure he's signing flops for the money he's shelling out. Most first team purchases contribute signififcantly

Flops in the current squad:

Rosicky (outside of that match against us)
Vela (although he may improve)

I don't know what they spent on that lot, but none of them are good enough to improve (many not good enough to sustain) their current position. Had we had a manager in place for as long as they have, then I would not expect a squad with so much crap in it.
Flops in the current squad:

Rosicky (outside of that match against us)
Vela (although he may improve)

I don't know what they spent on that lot, but none of them are good enough to improve (many not good enough to sustain) their current position. Had we had a manager in place for as long as they have, then I would not expect a squad with so much crap in it.

Wenger's problem is that he built his reputation as a talent spotter at a time when there was about zero foreign players in England. For obvious reasons, he knew a great generation of French players were in the making and nobody had heard of them in England at the time. They were also still relatively cheap.

Unfortunately, he's been living in England for the past ten years and his network in France and Africa has become average at best. Also, most other PL teams got the message and began scouting extensively and intensively in Wenger's former backyard. There's a lot more competition from the likes of Chelsea and United, the next generation of French players hasn't been on a par with the previous one and prices have risen.

All that, in my opinion, has made life a lot more difficult for him. Still, he's been clever enough to implement a strong style of play in his early years at Arsenal when he was nearly untouchable. And while they're no closer to winning anything, they're still good enough to qualify for the CL year in, year out. Even after a catastrophic start to the season.
Robin van Persie: Manchester Utd's bid for Arsenal striker stalls

Sir Alex Ferguson says Manchester United's attempts to sign Robin van Persie from Arsenal have stalled.

The Netherlands striker, 29, has 11 months left on his Arsenal contract and has declined an offer to extend his deal at Emirates Stadium.

"We've made a bid, they [Arsenal] have been trying to negotiate with other clubs," said United manager Ferguson.

"I don't have a gut feeling about it. We can't get a breakthrough with Arsenal."

Ferguson first revealed the Red Devils had made an offer for the Gunners forward on 20 July.

It is not known whether they have improved their original offer, but Ferguson said he did not know whether United's pursuit of Van Persie would be successful.

It is understood Arsenal are reluctant to enter formal negotiations until a bid exceeds £20m.

"I don't know what Arsenal's thoughts are because they're not giving anything away," he told reporters after United's friendly against Barcelona in Gothenburg on Wednesday, which finished in a 0-0 draw before Barca won 2-0 on penalties.

"It's difficult to say why they're operating this way. I can't give you any more information. We just have to persevere.

"We are trying our best and hopefully it will come our way but there's no progress at this moment in time."

Van Persie scored 41 goals in 53 games for club and country last season and was named Professional Footballers' Association and Football Writers' player of the year.

Juventus have also been pursuing Van Persie's services while Emirates Marketing Project boss Roberto Mancini revealed the Premier League champions were now out of the running for the striker.

Meanwhile, Ferguson admitted to being staggered after hearing that another summer transfer target, Lucas Moura, had agreed to join French side Paris St-Germain.

The Brazilian, who has represented his country at the London Olympics, will join in January 2013 on a four-and-a-half-year deal from Sao Paulo.

"To tell everyone that PSG are here they've signed Thiago Silva and Zlatan Ibrahimovic," added Ferguson. "They must have spent about £150m in the last month.

"When somebody's paying 45 million euros (£35.5m) for a 19-year-old boy you have to say the game's gone mad. I find it quite amazing."
ridiculous. clearly trying to get a reaction from arseanal whilst blatantly unsettling a player (even further) ..

it's funny because RVP is an arsenal player, but fergie really is colouring outside the lines, so to speak..
A Gooner mate of mine on Facebook:

Fergie: "I don't know what Arsenal's thoughts are because they're not giving anything away. It's difficult to say why they're operating this way." Possibly one of the stupidest things I have ever heard him say. Great manager but what a taco.

It's not stupid at all, it's rather clever. Ferguson knows that he'll get away with it as the press laps up anything he says. He could tell them that the earth is flat and they'd report it as news. All he's gonna do is paint Arsenal in the wrong...
Refused to go above €40 million for Lucas Moura, he went to PSG for €45 million.

Now refuses to go higher than £20 million for RVP, Arsenal want £25 million.
Robin van Persie: Manchester Utd's bid for Arsenal striker stalls

Sir Alex Ferguson says Manchester United's attempts to sign Robin van Persie from Arsenal have stalled.

The Netherlands striker, 29, has 11 months left on his Arsenal contract and has declined an offer to extend his deal at Emirates Stadium.

"We've made a bid, they [Arsenal] have been trying to negotiate with other clubs," said United manager Ferguson.

"I don't have a gut feeling about it. We can't get a breakthrough with Arsenal."

Ferguson first revealed the Red Devils had made an offer for the Gunners forward on 20 July.

It is not known whether they have improved their original offer, but Ferguson said he did not know whether United's pursuit of Van Persie would be successful.

It is understood Arsenal are reluctant to enter formal negotiations until a bid exceeds £20m.

"I don't know what Arsenal's thoughts are because they're not giving anything away," he told reporters after United's friendly against Barcelona in Gothenburg on Wednesday, which finished in a 0-0 draw before Barca won 2-0 on penalties.

"It's difficult to say why they're operating this way. I can't give you any more information. We just have to persevere.

"We are trying our best and hopefully it will come our way but there's no progress at this moment in time."

Van Persie scored 41 goals in 53 games for club and country last season and was named Professional Footballers' Association and Football Writers' player of the year.

Juventus have also been pursuing Van Persie's services while Emirates Marketing Project boss Roberto Mancini revealed the Premier League champions were now out of the running for the striker.

Meanwhile, Ferguson admitted to being staggered after hearing that another summer transfer target, Lucas Moura, had agreed to join French side Paris St-Germain.

The Brazilian, who has represented his country at the London Olympics, will join in January 2013 on a four-and-a-half-year deal from Sao Paulo.

"To tell everyone that PSG are here they've signed Thiago Silva and Zlatan Ibrahimovic," added Ferguson. "They must have spent about £150m in the last month.

"When somebody's paying 45 million euros (£35.5m) for a 19-year-old boy you have to say the game's gone mad. I find it quite amazing."

Refused to go above €40 million for Lucas Moura, he went to PSG for €45 million.

Now refuses to go higher than £20 million for RVP, Arsenal want £25 million.

He's wrong about not wanting to pay more for Van Rapist.

He is however right about not wanting to pay 40m Euros for Lucas Moura. It's all potential with him. It's not like were talking about Neymar who has scaled every mountain in South American football: won the title, won the copa libatadores, been the best player in the competition etc.
A Gooner mate of mine on Facebook:

Fergie: "I don't know what Arsenal's thoughts are because they're not giving anything away. It's difficult to say why they're operating this way." Possibly one of the stupidest things I have ever heard him say. Great manager but what a taco.

It's not stupid at all, it's rather clever. Ferguson knows that he'll get away with it as the press laps up anything he says. He could tell them that the earth is flat and they'd report it as news. All he's gonna do is paint Arsenal in the wrong...

I think you are both right.

Fergie is being a complete tosser in what he is saying, although no doubt pursuing his interests. These big bids for "unattainable" players seem designed to keep fans on board (as perhaps our £30m striker bids were in the past) and he is making pathetic excuses.

He will get away with it as most of the press are cowered by him.