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The Cricket Thread

When Cook gets set he tends to bat on and with a clear sky this pitch shouldn't offer much. First target has to be to avoid the follow on score. We bat deep so i don't think that's as difficult as it sounds.
I still think this will be a draw.

We only need to bat anything other than utter dogsh1t and we can tie the pitch up until Sunday night.

That is one of two available results but our sloppiness post tea hasn't helped our chances.

My point was more about misplaced triumphantism after the first test. This is an average England side playing a good but fading Aussie side. Talk of five nil was premature and the kind of vulgarity we should expect from the convicts.
We won't enforce the follow on. Well give you 450+ to chase in just over a day and skittle you for 200 at best.
We won't enforce the follow on. Well give you 450+ to chase in just over a day and skittle you for 200 at best.
That really depends if the pitch picks up any moisture overnight.

As it stands, the only thing happening on that pitch will be spin as it gets worn. You probably should have brought a decent spinner with you.
Lyon did alright in the first test. He's no Warne but he's a solid spinner who can get wickets when the pitch suits. Sort of like an Aussie Graeme Swann without the nob factor.
Lyon did alright in the first test. He's no Warne but he's a solid spinner who can get wickets when the pitch suits. Sort of like an Aussie Graeme Swann without the nob factor.
Maybe I've not seen enough of him but nothing I've seen yet has made him look any better than a competent part timer.

Still, if England hold it together mentally (big if) I can't see this pitch giving anything to even your better bowlers.
It's funny though. Everyone is talking about how bad this pitch is for bowlers but o ly 2 players made decent scores.
Well you're not an Aussie as much as you secretly wish you were.

And here's Cook dragging out the time so he can face as little cricket before he has a cup of earl gray and a scone.
What other sports that require some sort of physical effort have their players wear trousers?
Golf would be another I guess. I don't know if you'd call what they wear in baseball "trousers".