A second striker, so not leading the line then. Thanks. We got there in the end.
wtf you're the one that claimed he's not a striker and is a similar player to Pedro.
A second striker, so not leading the line then. Thanks. We got there in the end.
Why do you say that? I think 15 mil would be more than a fair price for Leandro. I'm still not sure that we are big enough to attract him (still think Milan is a good bet), but if we can get him for 15 mil, I think we have to take that chance. He can be the focal point our squad desperately needs. Then you can start talking about outside forwards like Adrian or Pedro (both of which would be immense, if unlikely signings)
So he leads the line and plays with Falcao but scored 7 in 35. Doing your argument the world of good here KD.
It's funny because Del Bosque himself said he had to make a decision of who to take to the Euros between Pedro and Adrian, no idea why it would be one or the other when they're SUCH different players.
Arcs - I like both players, Pedro is out of our league so I'd be happy with Adrian coming in as a wide forward.
Notice how Rossi is suddenly referring to him as a second striker. This is the same poster that only today claimed he's similar to pedro and only yesterday claimed he wasn't a striker and plays on the right.
To be fair - I made the 'second striker' reference and he/she simply picked on that
He's scored 19 goals last season but tbh you contradict yourself so much on this board it's hard to even debate with you.
one minute you're sick and tired of people talking about itk's and then you bring them up..again and again.
one minute you "find it funny" that people use wiki stats to judge a striker and state you prefer strikers that offer more to the you go on and on about 7 in 35 as if it's confirmation he doesn't play as a striker.
As i said it's impossible debating with you as you change the goalposts depending on what suits your argument.
So.. Anything moved on so far today?
No. See you tomorrow, same time?
So.. Anything moved on so far today?
No, people contradicting and rowing with each other over who is right as per usual though
Good times and happy days abound eh?!![]()