Taffy O'Callaghan
Time running out to sign anyone to be available for WBA. So much for the ITK's spouting there will be at least one new signing plus Ade v the BAggies
Time running out to sign anyone to be available for WBA. So much for the ITK's spouting there will be at least one new signing plus Ade v the BAggies
Time running out to sign anyone to be available for WBA. So much for the ITK's spouting there will be at least one new signing plus Ade v the BAggies
Ive seen virtually nothing of him, so cannot form a full judgement - but from what I have seen and read he scores no where near enough for an attacking player, disappears from games/is inconsistent.
Mate, you are wasting your time - the knives have been out for months and soon the feast will begin
I sometimes think we don't deserve players of his ilk because their true qualities are never appreciated be some while every single little shortcoming is memorised during games, written down and regurtitated here afterewards while in turn magnified significantly in terms of poportion and magnitude. Much like Utd fans moaning about Berbatov not 'running' enough, or Ginola being too 'selfish'.
If Sigurdsson achieves half of VdV's career, I'm sure he will retire as a happy man one day
Yes, I think it's a good move - he'd improve the overall squad quality, much like Vertonghen and Sigurdsson did. He's a dynamic player who would offer much needed competition out wide in AVB's 4-3-3. A working class man's Hulk but still a great option to have, imv
Time running out to sign anyone to be available for WBA. So much for the ITK's spouting there will be at least one new signing plus Ade v the BAggies
I dont understand all these VDV haters. fcuk me, hes our best scoring midfielder and hes VDV FFS. Top top player. I dont even know anything about Siggurdson and hes not even close to being as good looking as VDV is!!!
Yes, I think it's a good move - he'd improve the overall squad quality, much like Vertonghen and Sigurdsson did. He's a dynamic player who would offer much needed competition out wide in AVB's 4-3-3. A working class man's Hulk but still a great option to have, imv
I dont understand all these VDV haters. fcuk me, hes our best scoring midfielder and hes VDV FFS. Top top player. I dont even know anything about Siggurdson and hes not even close to being as good looking as VDV is!!!
Whats so funny?
Do you not think £20m is bloody steep for a squad unit?
Seems to me that there's an awful lot of straw men being constructed around these parts.
Who has been hating on VDV?
I've seen no such thing.
ok when I say VDV haters I meant, VDV non appreciaters then.
I haven't even seen much of that.
Seems to me that there's an awful lot of straw men being constructed around these parts.
Who has been hating on VDV?
I've seen no such thing.
I'd rather Isco.