Clint Dempsey
I trust it has been ‘officially’ confirmed that if SK win Son is clear of military sevice?
It’s SK law. No question. In statute books, for these and the Olympics.
I trust it has been ‘officially’ confirmed that if SK win Son is clear of military sevice?
I trust it has been ‘officially’ confirmed that if SK win Son is clear of military sevice?
But who knows.
^ "제68조의11(예술ㆍ체육요원의 추천 등)
[Article 68-11: Recommendation of arts and sports personnel, etc.]".
병역법 시행령 [Military Service Act Implementation Rules].
South Korea: Ministry of Government Legislation. 29 November 2016. Retrieved 6 April 2018.
법 제33조의7제1항 전단에서 "대통령령으로 정하는 예술·체육 분야의 특기를 가진 사람"이란 다음 각 호의 어느 하나에 해당하는 사람을 말한다. ... 4. 올림픽대회에서 3위 이상으로 입상한 사람(단체경기종목의 경우에는 실제로 출전한 선수만 해당한다) 5. 아시아경기대회에서 1위로 입상한 사람(단체경기종목의 경우에는 실제로 출전한 선수만 해당한다).
[In Article 33, Paragraph 7, Subparagraph 2 of the Act, 'a person having special talents in arts and athletics fields, as defined by presidential order' refers to persons to whom are applicable any one of the provisions of the following subparagraphs. ... 4. A person who received a prize for ranked third or above at the Olympics (in the case of team events, only applicable to athletes who actually participated). 5. A person who received a prize for ranking first at the Asian Games (in the case of team events, only applicable to athletes who actually participated).]
Doesn't seem to be any way back for Japan in this, unless some kind of miracle is about to happen for them. Six mins to go.
Yeah, sorry, shouldn't have said that. 2-1.