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'Soldier beheaded' outside barracks in Woolwich

Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

WTF is going on with the inhabitants of this planet, the worlds fudged.. My thoughts go out to the family of the victim.

Forget religion, forget skin colour, the fact is that NO ONE has the right to behave this way in any functional society, who the fudge do these pricks think they are to carry out this kind of act on ANYONE.

I think the sharing of 'nice puffies' in this thread is also a bit of a damning indictment on modern society.

Totally agreed.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

WTF is going on with the inhabitants of this planet, the worlds fudged.. My thoughts go out to the family of the victim.

Forget religion, forget skin colour, the fact is that NO ONE has the right to behave this way in any functional society, who the fudge do these pricks think they are to carry out this kind of act on ANYONE.

I think the sharing of 'nice puffies' in this thread is also a bit of a damning indictment on modern society.

My sentiments exactly. Who gives a fudge about colour, religion, nationality or class. All that should matter in an age of a global identity is being a decent living being.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' in 'Islamist terror attack' oustide barracks in Woolwich

sounds pretty bang on from what i have seen so far

- in the video he gives a brief few words about overthrowing the government / people 'back home' have to see this stuff everyday blah blah blah - obviously not just a random act of madness

My first thought was that it was British-born lads who have family back in one of the war-torn African countries such as Sierra Leone or the Congo, where it is sadly more for people to be hacked to pieces with machetes and knives...the one guy on that video seems high on PCP or something...I was a bit alarmed to hear of a potential 'religious' connection...whatever they feel it's connected to, this one is also (it seems) as much about straight up nutters than anything else.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' in 'Islamist terror attack' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Every normal person knows this and everyone knows that the left has blood on their hands once again tonight. Im out and shant post anymore in this thread. Which is what the nazis(the left) have wanted all along and the banning of free speach.

You know what Chich? Rather than drop in and pop off a few comments about 'nazis (the left)' why not be big and explain yourself? I don't think there's a person here who doesn't think this is a total disgrace and that these two utter plankton should be kept off our streets.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' in 'Islamist terror attack' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Yep have been for a few years and also life time members of the national trust, is the a law against it? some of the properties the national trust have are lovely and the gardens even better. I would advise anyone to get a life times membership to the national trust because if your on a motorway and driving some place your never to far from one of their houses or gardens and is the best pit stop for a walk to stretch your leg and you get a good cup of tea and cake as well.

Im sure the guardian and the like have a problem with it becauses it promotes england but i like it so there you go.

Agree with you mate, fantastic organisation.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Todays was a racist attack. There was nothing moderate or white English about it.

Pleased stop trying to drag attention from the real picture. An Islamic jihad to destroy the west, tolerated by the moderates in every commumity., that now needs to be faced head on in England.

Seriously. Get a grip. You're being manipulated.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' in 'Islamist terror attack' oustide barracks in Woolwich

My first thought was that it was British-born lads who have family back in one of the war-torn African countries such as Sierra Leone or the Congo, where it is sadly more for people to be hacked to pieces with machetes and knives...the one guy on that video seems high on PCP or something...I was a bit alarmed to hear of a potential 'religious' connection...whatever they feel it's connected to, this one is also (it seems) as much about straight up nutters than anything else.

Does it have to be religous to be an act of terrorisim Steff?

Anyone that resorts to this kind of act is a nutter pure and simple agreed but if what they do is to inspire fear for a common goal then it IS also terrorisim - doesn't have to be Al Kaeda or the IRA for that to be the case
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Dale Cregan did not shout pro- Islamic, anti West slogans as he did it. Nor did he do it in the name of Allah.

He is as much a scumbag, but lets examine why todays events were carried out.

Yes, lets examine them before writing them off as 'terrorist' acts and 'jihad' and some of the other total fudging nonsense that is being written without basis and thus causing every muslim to once again be written off as a terrorist (just for the record I am not a muslim)...I'm sorry, whatever brick these dingdongheads were spouting is not enough for them to be given a religious label. They were sick bastards with obvious mental issues either brought on by insanity or drugs (or both)...
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

This was a hate crime.

Hate of what?...........well, not necessarily white people, more the western governments and those considered to be their pawns.

I think some on here are desperate to simply blame lunacy, so as not to stir the racial side of it. But what these guys did was vile and aimed to shock.

I feel had it been a white person attacking a non-white, or even any person committing a homophobic crime, the uproar may well have been greater on here, and more of you would be saying hate crime rather than act of lunacy.

That we even have to get into details and break down a difference between the two is tragic. It really is mate. I think we should see how it plays out fact-wise before any further stuff is said (beyond the obvious, which is that these two are a pair of total and utter scum)...
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' in 'Islamist terror attack' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Does it have to be religous to be an act of terrorisim Steff?

Anyone that resorts to this kind of act is a nutter pure and simple agreed but if what they do is to inspire fear for a common goal then it IS also terrorisim - doesn't have to be Al Kaeda or the IRA for that to be the case

Thing is Billy, 'terrorism' has become such a buzzword that IMO it should be used carefully and with great judiciousness. It IS an act of 'terror' in so much as it caused feelings of terror and fear, but in the modern context, the word 'terrorism' has been appropriated to suggest a pre-meditated, deep-rooted and 'purposeful' strike against a people/peoples/nation in the 'name' of a political or ideological movement. I'm sorry, those two? brick, those two idiots are lone wolves, whatever words they use. If terrorists, who were they acting on behalf? Who takes the retaliatory hit? My problem with it being defined as a terrorist act is that it did not appear to have any common goal other than haphazard random insanity and evil connected with some loose 'plan' of protest against what, exactly, we will probably learn.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

anti-western government, but not necessarily anti any race

Well they obviously profiled him as a soldier in some way it is reasonable to assume race comes into it, they assumed he was non muslim and a soldier.

Nobody of sound mind would do this, so where is he being taught such ideoligies to provoke such a response.

My main concern is copycats by those who find this something to look up to. I remember 16 year old muslims at school cheering when a terrorist attack was thought to have happened. Clearly not the actions of majority but if it is out in the open like that you have to wonder what is being preached to their parents or to them.

And there is clear evidence in this regard that there is something deeply wrong in the muslim community where people are being manipulated to commit these atrocities to an every day man on the street. How many times does it have to be said.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Thing is Billy, 'terrorism' has become such a buzzword that IMO it should be used carefully and with great judiciousness. It IS an act of 'terror' in so much as it caused feelings of terror and fear, but in the modern context, the word 'terrorism' has been appropriated to suggest a pre-meditated, deep-rooted and 'purposeful' strike against a people/peoples/nation in the 'name' of a political or ideological movement. I'm sorry, those two? brick, those two idiots are lone wolves, whatever words they use. If terrorists, who were they acting on behalf? Who takes the retaliatory hit? My problem with it being defined as a terrorist act is that it did not appear to have any common goal other than haphazard random insanity and evil connected with some loose 'plan' of protest against what, exactly, we will probably learn.

Does the attack not seem like a call to arms to you?
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

The were clearly enough 'with it' to get enough weapons togther, or be assisted by somebody
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Steff i agree with the general gist of your post - i felt my IQ dropping by the second last night whilst reading FB. But the that doesn't change what is and what isn't an act of terrorisim - and as i have said earlier i believe that sweeping it under the carpet as a random mentalist is as counter productive as laying the blame on religion. At this point we don't know enough to draw conclusions, but id say what i have seen leans me more in one direction than the other at this point
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Well they obviously profiled him as a soldier in some way it is reasonable to assume race comes into it, they assumed he was non muslim and a soldier.

The non Muslim bit didn't concern the Toulouse killer, Mohamed Merah. He was happy to kill anyone in a French army uniform, especially soldiers of North African descent.

In any case, deranged individuals seem to be the new hit now. Merah, Anders Brevik, the elder brother in Boston and now probably these guys
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

My sentiments exactly. Who gives a fudge about colour, religion, nationality or class. All that should matter in an age of a global identity is being a decent living being.

In an ideal world, but it appears ad though the feeling is not at all mutual to many who can minipulate a man to do this. And they were muslim, fact. However I am not saying that all muslims are planning the same thing I am saying there is a clear issue in the muslim community and it needs someone with balls to go on tv and say so and start to make changes.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

The non Muslim bit didn't concern the Toulouse killer, Mohamed Merah. He was happy to kill anyone in a French army uniform, especially soldiers of North African descent.

In any case, deranged individuals seem to be the new hit now. Merah, Anders Brevik, the elder brother in Boston and now probably these guys

so was the young man who was beheaded yesterday wearing a uniform? No he wasn't.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

In an ideal world, but it appears ad though the feeling is not at all mutual to many who can minipulate a man to do this. And they were muslim, fact. However I am not saying that all muslims are planning the same thing I am saying there is a clear issue in the muslim community and it needs someone with balls to go on tv and say so and start to make changes.

Absolutely with you there mate. Lets not kid ourselves, the overwhelming evidence points to the fact this was an act in the name of a religion, irrespective of the state of mind of the attackers.

However, there are always high-ranking members of the community speaking out in the media after an incident like this. Working in tv I have witnessed this on many occasions. Perhaps as you say there needs to be an individual or group that indefatigably stands up and speaks out. Sadly, our media tends to give them less airtime when they do reach out.

To give a footballing example, say 6 thousand Millwall supporters travel to an away game, and of those, 20 idiots decide to start causing trouble in and around the ground. Suddenly, every supporter is tarred as a thug etc, because Millwall have 'history' for this. The media will report it as so, despite a very concentrated effort by the club to take severe action against this minority and zero tolerance stance that they have employed in recent years. Remember the backlash Spurs supporters received as a whole after the ****bell/Portsmouth chanting? Sorry for bringing football into random.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Does the attack not seem like a call to arms to you?

Honestly? No. It seems like the vicious act of insane, high thugs. The fact they reportedly used religion as a reason does not make them men of any faith. Again, I think it's weird that a machete/cleaver involved; this is associated with the brutalities of Rwanda, the Congo, etc.

I might well be very wrong, but these men did not strike me as practicing Muslims in any way...words? I don't know what they fully said.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

When first got a text last night assumed it was a nutter as was drunk on my quiz night. I mean i was thinking why would you choose crappy Woolwich. It's not the best of areas.
Are they saying conclusively that the innocent man was a soldier or is the media?