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Sick sick world what is wrong with people

People are right we do need to discuss immigration. But unfortunately, rarely is it done in an informed or impartial way. Elements of Xenophobia inevitably creep in.

For people like me who have been exposed to racism in its many insidious forms, I must admit the riots scare me. Not because I'm afraid of racists, I have faced down many both personally and professionally. But because I am a father to two young South Asian heritage children and I worry about their future.

I thought, naively perhaps, that the country had moved on from the more overt racism of the 70s and 80s when I was growing up. Where I would walk down my local high street and be racially abused or spat on by strangers just because I was brown. Sadly the Brexit referendum brought it back to the fore again.

The immigration topic, such a sensitive one, has been clumsily handled by a bunch of buffoons calling themselves Tories, especially ones who should have known better. They have vilified refugees for political gain and not condemed anti Muslim hatred when it was clearly becoming an issue. Stupid gimmicky policies like "stop the boats" which has now become a rallying cry for the rioters. Instead of putting us on the front foot, discussing what levels we needed to support our economy and/or to reasonably meet our obligations to the world community, they have stoked hatred.

Funny to see Priti Patel posting on X for a recall of Parliament to discuss the riots and show a "united" front. Remember when you stood against the England football team and how it wanted to demonstrate it's anti racism stance? And then danced with Nigel Farage? You have been part of the problem mate and I'm not too sure what solutions you'll have now other than ones that will appeal to the base you want to vote you in as the next leader of the Tory party. Leave it to the grown ups to sort out the problems you have helped create.

I do have some hope, as I said previously, that the current government will make a better fist of the immigration question than the last and we should not be held to ransom by knuckleheads who don't care for our country, it laws or it's people.

Edit: It's heartwarming to see communities come together in the aftermath of riots to clear up the mess or to stand outside Mosques and show that we will not make swift judgements based on race or religion but stand up for innocent people. That's the Britain I'm proud of.
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People are right we do need to discuss immigration. But unfortunately, rarely is it done in an informed or impartial way. Elements of Xenophobia inevitably creep in.

For people like me who have been exposed to racism in its many insidious forms, I must admit the riots scare me. Not because I'm afraid of racists, I have faced down many both personally and professionally. But because I am a father to two young South Asian heritage children and I worry about their future.

I thought, naively perhaps, that the country had moved on from the more overt racism of the 70s and 80s when I was growing up. Where I would walk down my local high street and be racially abused or spat on by strangers just because I was brown. Sadly the Brexit referendum brought it back to the fore again.

The immigration topic, such a sensitive one, has been clumsily handled by a bunch of buffoons calling themselves Tories, especially ones who should have known better. They have vilified refugees for political gain and not condemed anti Muslim hatred when it was clearly becoming an issue. Stupid gimmicky policies like "stop the boats" which has now become a rallying cry for the rioters. Instead of putting us on the front foot, discussing what levels we needed to support our economy and/or to reasonably meet our obligations to the world community, they have stoked hatred.

Funny to see Priti Patel posting on X for a recall of Parliament to discuss the riots and show a "united" front. Remember when you stood against the England football team and how it wanted to demonstrate it's anti racism stance? And then danced with Nigel Farage? You have been part of the problem mate and I'm not too sure what solutions you'll have now other than ones that will appeal to the base you want to vote you in as the next leader of the Tory party. Leave it to the grown ups to sort out the problems you have helped create.

I do have some hope, as I said previously, that the current government will make a better fist of the immigration question than the last and we should not be held to ransom by knuckleheads who don't care for our country, it laws or it's people.

Edit: It's heartwarming to see communities come together in the aftermath of riots to clear up the mess or to stand outside Mosques and show that we will not make swift judgements based on race or religion but stand up for innocent people. That's the Britain I'm proud of.
Super post.
It's bad tonight. Confirmed report of 2 misli. women attacked with acid in Boro. Many videos of Muslims being battered.

These lot won't come to Luton or Bradford or Birmingham or Sheffield coz they will get their ass handed to them.
It's bad tonight. Confirmed report of 2 misli. women attacked with acid in Boro. Many videos of Muslims being battered.

These lot won't come to Luton or Bradford or Birmingham or Sheffield coz they will get their ass handed to them.

It is deeply, deeply disturbing. The bredth and scope of everything is frightning. This is (and has been for a while) international.
It's bad tonight. Confirmed report of 2 misli. women attacked with acid in Boro. Many videos of Muslims being battered.

These lot won't come to Luton or Bradford or Birmingham or Sheffield coz they will get their ass handed to them.
I was distraught watching the news. I thought we were better than this s hit - and then they showed pictures of a lot of residents in Sunderland helping with the clear up and I felt a little better.

Take care, @LutonSpurs. I am firmly convinced that anyone involved in this hate is part of a very small minority.
It's bad tonight. Confirmed report of 2 misli. women attacked with acid in Boro. Many videos of Muslims being battered.

These lot won't come to Luton or Bradford or Birmingham or Sheffield coz they will get their ass handed to them.
It is just awful, beyond awful, what is happening right now.

This anger should be directed at government (the last one for sure, jury out on the present one) but the elite/establishment are content to watch the less privelged turn on each other rather than direct their anger where it is deserved. It maintains the status quo and that is all the the Establshment cares aboutl.
.And then look at the likes of Farage stoking the flames = he should be arrested for incitement,
This is what happens when you platform clams like Farage. The UK media has be normalising him and his message for years. Bothsiding hate is half way to hate.
Farage will be Farage, but this imho is on the likes of Patel, Braverman, Jenrick, Boris, Sunak and all the Tories who failed to stand up when refugees were being demonised or who refused to call out anti Muslim hatred. They were the GOVERNMENT. They were called out on this at the time. It was right to have an immigration policy but not to use it as a political football.
It's bad tonight. Confirmed report of 2 misli. women attacked with acid in Boro. Many videos of Muslims being battered.

These lot won't come to Luton or Bradford or Birmingham or Sheffield coz they will get their ass handed to them.

To be honest, it's probably just that the trains round here are so crap, the detachment sent our way are just still on a replacement bus somewhere near Donington.

But no, Sheffield doesn't have a big muslim population, in contrast to your other 3 examples (I think about 6%). But we have a very proud history of aggressive anti-fascism, going back to the Spanish Civil war. There's obviously still plenty of nob heads around, but I'd imagine we're not a big EDL target, as they know they'd have very few mitläufer around here at all.
Farage will be Farage, but this imho is on the likes of Patel, Braverman, Jenrick, Boris, Sunak and all the Tories who failed to stand up when refugees were being demonised or who refused to call out anti Muslim hatred. They were the GOVERNMENT. They were called out on this at the time. It was right to have an immigration policy but not to use it as a political football.
I would classify Patel, Braverman, etc as clams like Farage. You are right though. The drumbeat of intolerances against 'the other' builds up. What you are seeing now is the consequences of that.
There has always been the wider issue with Farage. He is repeatedly binned off as just being 'him' but sadly, that 'him' is the clam who helped convince Bannon that Trumpism could work (I mean, never mind the Brexit has basically led to Europe segregating/some nations turning facist and so on). He was quiet for a little while, milling around in the undergrowth, but he started resurfacing several months ago, declared he was going to help Trump get re-elected, and finally became an MP this year.

I totally agree that the previous incumbents have contributed massively the situation we're in, however I don't think Farage's role should be minimized one bit. He is VERY dangerous IMO, and to slight him off as no more than a nuisance would be a massive miscalculation.
I would classify Patel, Braverman, etc as clams like Farage. You are right though. The drumbeat of intolerances against 'the other' builds up. What you are seeing now is the consequences of that.
I didn’t mean to belittle Farage’s part in all of this. But while he deserves the flack that will be coming his way, he will be a convenient distraction for the Tories to evade proper scrutiny over their part in the mayhem.
Ha, ha, the Scousers handed the fascists their arses. These fudgewits have no idea do they? As if the socilaist centre of England was going to tolerate those arseholes.
To be honest, it's probably just that the trains round here are so crap, the detachment sent our way are just still on a replacement bus somewhere near Donington.

But no, Sheffield doesn't have a big muslim population, in contrast to your other 3 examples (I think about 6%). But we have a very proud history of aggressive anti-fascism, going back to the Spanish Civil war. There's obviously still plenty of nob heads around, but I'd imagine we're not a big EDL target, as they know they'd have very few mitläufer around here at all.
[In case it needed explanation, the laugh I gave is for the bus replacement comment. Just for the image of a load of thugs enduring the seemingly interminable nightmare that is a rail replacement service].
Let's be honest, we always knew these scum walked among us, it only takes a little prodding for them to show their true selves.
It's disheartening that there are so many of them, but I take encouragement from the push back.
They will not win.

It's a shame we can't do something useful with them when they become visible. Conscript them into the Ukrainian army and give their generals a few shots at deploying the Russian cannon fodder tactic or something?