Oops. Sorry
@mephitis , didn’t mean to cause offence!
As I understood it, there were to be no new Senior Concessions at all after this season anyway, and existing ones were to be phased out over a few seasons. So the club have rowed back on that a bit, agreeing to offer new Senior Concessions, but only in the same numbers as currently available, so if we have an increasingly aging ST holder fan base there will be more Seniors than available Concessions, hence longevity of holding a ST becomes a qualifying criteria. It’s certainly not perfect but is at least movement from the club to partially restore the scheme, which I see as a step in the right direction.
What I hadn’t appreciated in the initial read through is that the qualifying age will now match the State Pension Age, so that will mean a longer wait for some.
Agree about the inconvenience of removing the auto cup scheme. I wouldn’t have minded if they kept it but removed the extra LPs, just for the convenience. It used to be that once on the auto scheme you had to buy the ticket and were stuck with it if you couldn’t attend. Last season (I think) the club changed the rule and allowed Ticket Share (and Ticket Exchange if the game sold out) to auto cup scheme members. Now it sounds like that was being abused so we all lose the convenience. If they removed the LPs the number of people on the scheme would drop substantially is my guess, so would also be easier to manage.
ROTS is the Return of the Shelf twitter handle for the guy trying to get a singing section in the South stand, along with the Flag people and some others. What they fail to grasp is that people like yourselves have paid for a seat they chose and can’t/shouldn’t be forced to move.