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He won't reveal his source. Funny thing is, he claims he has had links for a long time and yet they've only come to light when a Manager he wants gone is having issues at the club.

Why do you have a picture of that little judas prick as your avatar? Get some self respect and choose a proper Spurs man instead.

I wouldn't dream of telling someone like you anything about me. trust me, you haven't got a scooby-doo...thankfully...
He won't reveal his source. Funny thing is, he claims he has had links for a long time and yet they've only come to light when a Manager he wants gone is having issues at the club.

Why do you have a picture of that little judas prick as your avatar? Get some self respect and choose a proper Spurs man instead.

Please speak to me with a touch more respect. I've proved I can drive you away from the board (albeit for only a few days) don't force me to do it again.
i would say the key is getting the right DoF in place first, before the manager is appointed, but id like the dof to have less say than before in first team matters - so i see no reason why a dof couldn't be brought in to work alongside redknapp at this moment.

i believe Arnesen was the right guy and would still be here today had Chelsea not illegally approached him and eventually taken him from us. this kind of threw Levy's plan out the window and he had to act quick to get a replacement in - enter Damien. had Levy had more time he may well have come up with a better replacement, that said he still signed us some important players which are still playing a big part today.

i can understand why people have doubts over it but in my mind in this day and age - having someone long term at a football club who can put in place a long term transfer strategy and set up a dedicated scouting network (among other things) is very important - especially for a club like ours where we have to maximize our productivity in these area's

I can see why Redknapp would be against this. It would annoy him to have someone with more influence on the chairman. It would be a good idea to have new fresh ideas so i am not totally against it.

I hope that we already have a network, but i suppose a Dof also has a long contact list, knows the agents.
1) you are blaming individual mistakes on the system and despite those individual mistakes we improved considerably in that time and are still reaping the rewards of the players brought under the DoF system

you are judging a long term system on short term failure

2) a shocking record which has seen us rise from lower table to the top 5, 5 out of the last 7 seasons and the top 4, 2 out of the last 3 ?

1) Surely that's all we have to go on? What time frame do you think is acceptable? 10 years? 20 years?

2) I guess the question I want answers to is how much further could Hoddle, Jol or Redknapp taken us if they were backed? Perhaps not any further, but maybe they would have. People on here are saying 4th place isn't good enough this year and 5th place in Jol's second year wasn't good enough. Indeed 5th place wasn't good enough last year apparently.

If our league finishes warrant the Manager to get fired, then at what point do you say "We could be doing so much better with a better Manager. Why the fudge aren't we hiring one?".
Steff, just one question, do you think that a DoF or a position similar is high on Levy's agenda?
Please speak to me with a touch more respect. I've proved I can drive you away from the board (albeit for only a few days) don't force me to do it again.

Is your name Crawley then? I don't think so. You need to change your avatar or you may be mistaken for afan (an ex-poster who was the most odious little taco to ever post on this forum, and a complete dumb macaron to boot). Trust me, I am giving you good advice. You don't want to be associated with afan, so I'd change your avatar.
You know what? As I said, believe what you want to believe, but stop acting like an arsehole and baiting me. I've never afforded you that disrespect, yet you in your keyboard warriordom, like to sit there and poke away. So politely now, stop it. And stop it now please. I don't do things like "report" people to admin, but trust me, you'd be pretty near the top of my list thanks to your petty fudging comments.

If you want to discuss/debate the club we both support, wonderful. If you're only interested in acting your shoe size, then stay away from me.

Touched a nerve did I? I have a simple rule in life. Put up, or shut up. If you have links spill them. Otherwise shut the fudge up.
Is your name Crawley then? I don't think so. You need to change your avatar or you may be mistaken for afan (an ex-poster who was the most odious little taco to ever post on this forum, and a complete dumb macaron to boot). Trust me, I am giving you good advice. You don't want to be associated with afan, so I'd change your avatar.

I'm fully aware who afan is/was. Interesting that you regard him as more of an 'odious little taco' than yourself, don't you usually like to place yourself at the centre of things? And my avatar is fine, Robbie Keane is one of my all time favourite footballs, and having met him three times, he's a very nice man too - something which I take quite seriously when deciding who to idolize.
Steff, just one question, do you think that a DoF or a position similar is high on Levy's agenda?

Good question. I have no idea whatsoever to be honest...I personally like the idea, and based on some things which have happened in the past two seasons, I'd say it makes perfect sense...
I'm fully aware who afan is/was. Interesting that you regard him as more of an 'odious little taco' than yourself, don't you usually like to place yourself at the centre of things? And my avatar is fine, Robbie Keane is one of my all time favourite footballs, and having met him three times, he's a very nice man too - something which I take quite seriously when deciding who to idolize.

Your choice, it's a poor one. And if you are aware of afan was you'd be doing your best to disassociate with the little idiot. He despised Redknapp, was against him from the moment he joined. He probably disappeared when the going was good because he couldn't stand to be proven wrong. Now Redknapp is under pressure I am half expecting him to return to stir it up once more. He is the complete example of stupidity, trying the same thing over and over expecting a different result...

As for Robbie Keane? I think even you must agree it's a shame we bought him back from Liverpool. He did the dirty on us by dropping us like a stone at the first opportunity and then (in what I regard as Redknapp's biggest transfer error to date for us) we sign him back. I just hope we learned our lesson and don't make the same mistake with Keane's judas brother Berbatov.
Good question. I have no idea whatsoever to be honest...I personally like the idea, and based on some things which have happened in the past two seasons, I'd say it makes perfect sense...

So hang on, you're close enough to Levy to know that he hates Redknapp, wants him out and you know who Levy wants to replace him. BUT you don't know if we are getting a DOF?
So much hate on this board, I think I'm going to take a holiday and stick to random

It's all love and peace over there, particularly the vice den
give it a rest you fudging boring taco

Don't worry, I have no doubt that a certain mod will come in shortly to wade in on your side (apparently it's OK to insult people IF he agrees with it, but he'll come down on a ton of bricks for anyone who has a go back - so basically you can call me a fudging boring taco and it's OK, but if I did the same to you I'd get banned).