Simon Davies
Its not a straw man argument at all. Its really quite simple.
The policy was intended to effect illegal immigrants. Is this racist?
I say not. Hence, I say, its a bit much to accuse of institutional racism. Now I know youre big on your anti Tory soapbox, and honestly I think thats informing your opinion here.
Stupidity, ignorance, poor implementation - all fair accusations. NONE infer racism. All fair complaints as well, the whole thing is a clusterfudge that has caused undue stress and worry to people whom it shouldnt have even effected.
I dont think anyone is going to tell you they did the right thing. BUT thats all about how it was handled, not the actual immigration act changes in the first place.
And lets be honest, what do you expect first from the government of a country built on immigration and mutli-cultural living? Incompetence? Silly buerocracy? Career politicians? People in jobs they arent qualified for? or Racism?
Im pretty cynical, I have very low expectations of our government and local services - but at no point have I ever thought racism was a motivation behind choices they have made.
Yeah, yeah yeah, I hear that all the time, by people who constantly make excuses for the Tories.