This is nonsense. The EU created lobbying. Outside the EU there will be no lobbying?
I've never had to lobby over anything that wasn't an EU directive.
Outside the EU I would be free to compete on equal terms with my competitors around the world. That's all I want, an equal footing.
The EU is a big advocate of free trade. It is quite simple - it’s the worlds largest customs union, where there are no barriers to trade! On top of that it has circa 50 free trade agreements with 3rd nations like Canada. The UK is not agile and able to broker UK specific trade deals but this is more than offset by the negotiating strength and the above free trade facilities that the EU provides to us.
The EU promotes free trade within its own borders, it continually puts up direct and indirect barriers to external trade.
I already trade with the EU from a factory that will remain in the EU when the UK leaves. What I want is to be able to trade with the rest of the world without the interference of the EU.
You stated that the EU stops you from exporting and leaving the EU would allow you to export more to non EU nations. Now you’ve said the EU doesn’t stop you exporting. Where will the new markets come from and why aren’t you selling to them now?
I've never stated that the EU stops me trading with anyone. Merely that UK membership of the EU makes us unable to compete on price with the rest of the world.
The materials we buy are either subject to tariffs or are expensive because they're from the EU. The cost of creating our products is higher due to being in the EU. Then there are tariffs applied in many of those sales because the EU does not trade freely with all the countries where my customer base would be.
You then went on to suggest that being in the EU creates lobby costs! The USA or other non-EU nations don’t have lobbying?
I've only ever lobbied the UK government to give me derogations from EU law. Sometimes that works, other times we swallow the cost of that law.
Outside of the EU I wouldn't have had to do any of that work or pay for others to help.
And how would you affect and influence EU and US regulation of medical supplies with no local breakfasts or representation? You would have to pay foreign entities to represent you in Washington or the EU where the regulators are set for global medical norms.
I neither sell medical supplies nor have any interest in altering foreign regulation.
I just don't want the EU pricing me out of the global market.
I am amazed by how snake oil Brexit claims are not banished for being absurd. It’s as though people have given up on truth. As someone who pans quacks and respects science, how can you contradict every credible economist who thinks Brexit will makes the UK poorer? Pre-Brexit that would make you one of them - an unscientific quack. Now it’s seems permissible that nonsense is unsubstantiated and made up to fit the (failing) ideology. The sooner people can see the economic truth the less the UK economy will suffer.
Sitting on my porcelain throne using mobile app
There are plenty of economists who disagree with your view. I've linked a few in this thread.
More importantly, those who invest my meagre savings and investments, those who I trust my son's future to, are confident of a strong UK market no matter how Brexit develops. Mainly this is down to the fact that most people underestimate just how readily businesses just get on with doing business. Hurdles come and go, but we keep changing to cope with them.
If you leave the echo chamber for long enough you will hear those opinions too.