Great, the rich folk carry on getting richer and the poor poorer. This country is a shambles.
Hmmm, what a boringly inaccurate statement. Living standards in this country have never been higher across the board.
Great, the rich folk carry on getting richer and the poor poorer. This country is a shambles.
Only positive from all this, is that those prostitutes the Lib-Dems have been smashed into oblivion. I doubt there will be any coming back from here. Good riddance to this stinking polyp on the sphincter of the body politic.
Ssshhhhhh!Hmmm, what a boringly inaccurate statement. Living standards in this country have never been higher across the board.
Britain has spoken.
For Labour to realistically think they had a chance while absorbing so many lost seats in Scotland (much predicted) is at best wishful thinking.
The tories were the safe vote, and i'm thankful that a large enough section of the population realised, that maybe just now is not the time to rock the boat.
As Scara says above, the economy was a wreck (even confirmed by 'that' letter left by the labour treasury on departing), and anyone with a reasonable grasp of economics would realise the light at the end of the tunnel wasn't even there, and to be truthful is barely there now. The numbers are still massive. When trying to maneuver, they are often caught between a rock and a hard place given the situation. All they can do is try and limit the pain felt by the masses.
I hate it when people spew out the 'but they've has 5 years to sort it out.....the tories haven't got a can't blame the previous govt' etc. This time you can. We were f*cked. Whick is ok if the previous 20years of 'good times' you saved a penny or two. And when people spew out these armchair comments who do they think the alternative is going to Labour.
And lets be honest, politics is a personality game and most people would be lying if they denied it didn't have some influence over whether they voted for 1 party or another. With Red Ed your just on to a loser from the offs, right from the moment he beat his (much more likeable/believable) brother, via all the media,PR,presentation training in the world he just carries no charisma,authority,depth in anything he does. And as for Ed Balls...well.
The lib dems really have paid the price of their moment in the limelight, and have been replaced (% wise) by the rise of UKip. Anyone know the make-up of the Ukip vote ie which party they have migrated from and social status??
It's the gap that matters, not the base level. We're all far better off when everyone has nothing than when the poor have a lot and the rich even more.
That tactic only started towards the end of the campaign and didn't result in any visible swing (we have to assume that all the polls were equally wrong by a roughly equal amount). It seems to me that the battle was always won, but the pollsters made the mistake of valuing online polls far too highly:
Yeah it's ridiculous that people say Britain isn't great any more and now it's just full of rich fat cats milking the poor so they can fight illegal wars. The reality of course was that "Great Britain" involved rich fat cats in the East India company ordering the invasion of country after country using the resources of slave child labour in the industrial revolution back home where you were lucky if you didn't die of malnourishment and ricketts by the time you were 10 and plundered resources and slaves across the globe... but no, we're a shambles now good grief!
what UKIP voters?...UKIP don't have any traditional voters.being a relatively new party .I was traditionally labor...I'll be voting for the first time UKIP.
Thanks for digging this up. Remember all the hype about how UKIP would be the new third force in British politics after the European elections? Hey Scara, I said it was hogwash all the way back then and was right!![]()
Yeah, but only one seat.
3rd in the popular vote are they not?
There was an article in the Spectator recently - I'll see if I can dig it out - from UKIP HQ.Yeah, but only one seat.
Fast forward 5 years and they'll have more once more people become more clued up.
Fast forward 5 years and we'll have had this stupid in/out referendum on the EU and UKIP's raison d'etre will be moot, one way or the other.Fast forward 5 years and they'll have more once more people become more clued up.
Just looked up the results again. Every major party boosted it's vote share from 2010, apart from the Lib-Dems who lost 15%.
Fast forward 5 years and we'll have had this stupid in/out referendum on the EU and UKIP's raison d'etre will be moot, one way or the other.