Thankfully times are changing. We have a guy here, has no arms. Has hands coming straight from the shoulder, and is dwarfed as well.
Seeing him around I do wonder just how he manages some basic things, but all the same he has a job on the phones and has been here years so is clearly a functional employee.
We also have hearing and sight impaired guys as well (the sight impaired guy has an oversized keyboard with yellow keys to help him).
Some time back it wouldn't have happened, I am sure, but Im really glad to see these guys around now.
As Scara says, many disabled people can work.
Im of the mind if you can you should, and that provision of benefits/aid really should be on a "need" basis.
That being said, I come from a council estate where getting knocked up early and going on the council/hand out train was a career choice for half the people there so I have a certain annoyance with the situation. I think a large portion claiming really dont need to be and it winds me up.
They are separate from those of genuine need, of course, whom we should help without reservation.