ah, I didn't realise, thats ok then, my apologies
UKIP voters all want one thing. For Britain to be Great again. I'm not so sure what Labour want maybe you can tell me or what you as a labour supporter wants. As for the tories I believe they've started repairing the mess made between 1997 and 2010 and the country will be in a better state in 2020 if they remain in power.
They'd take away your housing benefit you admit to claiming at the earliest opportunity don't worry about that!
Never heard about the Scottish and Welsh genocide! Do you have a link please? I see you don't have the numbers (as you are asking for percentages) so one with the numbers would be grand.
Off course there is no Racism with the left..funny none of them live in areas with mass immigration.
All though some may laugh . The English Scots and Welsh are being ethnically cleansed by Huge Immigration onto this tiny island..that suits the left fine for their muddled so called Intellectual ideals.
Anyone got the percentages? and how many each week..a thousand.. it cant be far of that ..whoops I mean a thousand a day..
It does not seem right that our country that has stood for so much will be taken over from people with different cultures and ideals
from left wing fascist.. now I hope you don't mind being called that..because that is all your arguments are against UKIP..
.. racist ..racist..there is no content in your politics...but lets face it ..its hardly surprising you can't think of anything else
to say....
Anyway ..you cant pull the wool over my eyes..I could see through left wing political thinking years ago.
As far as Labour MPs go its just a job..and there happy for you to keep voting for them while they all have
their hands in the till of the Taxes we all pay.. and that makes them parasites...
If that's accurate they don't even need the student party.The exit poll has Cons on 316 seats as the largest party, significantly up from pre-election polls. Labour on 239 and SNP with every single Scottish seat on 58
I think UKIP missed a trick with the Muslim voters... The E.U will never accept a country with a sizeable Muslim population (i.e. Turkey, Bosnia, Macedonia, Albania and one for some of their voters- Pakistan)... anyway UKIP you lose (you snooze, you... no??
I'm getting into this politics sheet...![]()
Obviously its England that has most immigration. No invitation of Democracy by our so called democratic politicians there.
I have to say I'm not really into all this..I'm no UKIP party man ..I am just stating what I have seen in my lifetime and whats happened to England.. Go and have a look at that Spurs victory parade in 1961..and then compare to the community of Tottenham today. How many more places in the future are going to see the death of the English way of life and their people.
Again you shout racist but its the English who's numbers and way of life will go. That's not happening to any of the countries where all these people are coming from.They can all write off home and tell Mothers and Grandparents what a great country good old England is!
According to the BBC exit polls (who were spot on last time) Torres have won.
Fair play. He had a tough time if it at Chelsea but good to see him getting his old form back.