Colin Calderwood
It may have made a difference to the margin but not the result.i'm not arguing the economics of the situation, as we've seen down here it's not simply a case of logic, it's a bit rich to make a case extolling the (erroneous imo) importance of sovereignty to leave a union and then not allowing a smaller group the same chance
do you think the scottish ref leave vote would have been higher had it been known then that the uk would be leaving the eu?
As sturgeon is now finding out, although I suspect she knew it all along, there are some in her party who want independence not just from the UK but the EU as well.
The young who's head has turned by the SNP want to remain in the EU.
The irony is she has almost in the same trap as Cameron, and we all know how that ended for him.
personally I don't care about sovereignty, or who's making the decisions as long as they are sensible decisions. There is a sizable amount who say that it would be good to be independent and if we fail at least it was or failures, I suspect they think that right up to where they have put their x, then pragmatism kicks in.