Steffen Freund
The US intelligence agencies were relying on Bush not asking too many questions and the U.K. asking as normal, none.
We always tow the line and will again. You watch!
The biggist sheep were Blair and our "intelligence" services.
Actually i think there may have been more to it that just politicians and our intelligence being 'sheep'; i think it was clear from the vast majority of the public that there was little penchant for an invasion so it's not like the politicians on the while thought they needed to do it to stay 'popular' or anything.
I read an interest article around that time after the invasion that stated that the American Intelligence agencies (i think it was the FBI) effectively blackmailed Blair and some of his key MPs with bringing down their Government by releasing information that would have exposed some key MPs as being involved with some child sex scandals. I can't remember where i read that, but at that time it was the same site that ran a story about Blair's daughter having attempted suicide after the stress of school after her dad had taken the country into Iraq. The article reported that there was a general agreement at the time in the press not to report it as they had sympathy with the situation that the Blair family was going through.
I'm pretty sure a few years ago during all that time when injunctions were being leaked, that was one of the stories that came out almost a decade later, and it made the story about the FBI blackmailing our parliament to go along with the invasion all the more plausible...