Simon Davies
Last from me on this unless I can think of anything new or useful to add. The times editorial calls it about right for me:
“The job of leader of the opposition is a difficult one. It involves leading roles in some of the toughest occasions in the parliamentary calendar... Mr Corbyn has so far managed a long political career with no notable success.
He... is a serial protester, a man happier saying what is wrong than worrying over the troublesome detail of how to put it right.
He is a man who has never had to perform at high-profile moments in parliament, never had to write a big speech for a party conference, never had to take the lead in set-piece interviews.”
They just don't get do they? More of the 'wrong man' mantra. These great defenders of democracy bemoan the fact that somebody that they disapprove of got elected. Corbyn had such a hide, as an outsider, he had the audacity to run and to ...well win. This cannot be happening only neo liberals need apply.