Colin Calderwood
Where did I say I thought not having higher education is an impediment to life’s experiences?? It is just another experience. Just like taking away one of your many experiences wouldn’t define you.
The simple point was not to deny people education based on wealth. It should be available for people who want to pursue education, and it shouldn’t be contingent on having family with money. That is all.
Thanks for noting you weren’t a Chuggerlike your style.
Maybe I've misread your last sentence about how the experience of greater importance, all I would like to highlight is that great life experiences can found anywhere.
Indeed similar to your statement about education being what you make of it, so is life.
And yes education should be available to all, indeed I would go further in saying that it is more important for those with limited opportunities.
My big objection is the narrative some push that it is the only path.