Johnny Morrison
Captain Hindsight is as good as an ashtray on a motorbike
Better than a corrupt drunken clown as PM.
Captain Hindsight is as good as an ashtray on a motorbike
Better than a corrupt drunken clown as PM.
Better than a corrupt drunken clown as PM.
I'm a social democrat. Blair almost got there with his third way but that was full of spin and mandelson wanting a multi cultural society. (Basically immigrants will vote labour)
Lib dems are a joke.
Labour i don't even know what they are now with the influx of momentum.
I'm sure we could go through the politics and covid thread and create two GG parties and manifestos!Thinking of starting my own party.
For the working class, immigrants, gays and Muslims are allowed but anyone who had green party membership can fcuk off.
Policy wise not really thought to much about it yet.
Thinking of starting my own party.
For the working class, immigrants, gays and Muslims are allowed but anyone who had green party membership can fcuk off.
Policy wise not really thought to much about it yet.
Is he a drinker? A fcuking idiot yes. But not heard of his drinking before.
Plenty of rumours online. My father was an alcoholic; lots about Johnson's behaviour which reminds me of his.
Anyhow, I see it's taken less than 24 hours for last night's promises to fall on their arse as people slowly realise that vaccinating 29 million eligible people inside 18 days is about as possible as Johnson going 20 minutes without telling a lie.
He really is fudging useless. And is backed up by a Cabinet of the incompetent. Worst possible government for these times.
(Oh, and if you have kids, I'd take note of what Javid said this morning and start preparing for online learning in January.)
You have my vote !!!Thinking of starting my own party.
For the working class, immigrants, gays and Muslims are allowed but anyone who had green party membership can fcuk off.
Policy wise not really thought to much about it yet.
Are any politicians competent? Most politicians are either lawyers or career politicians. The only skills they seem to have is trumping.
Except the ones that aren't. It's a common trope by those on the right to paint all politicians as the same whenever one of their own right wing MPs get caught with their hands in the till.
I made this point last week in this forum with Zarah Sultana for example, who called out the companies trying to influence her in the House. Dr Allin-Khan for Labour another one who went back to A&E to help during Covid as she's a doctor. She's been at fault for breaching ministerial code, but that's not the same as the breach that Owen Paterson done for example. Cant just tar all with same brush.
Is this a new thing from those on the left. If you don't agree with me on everything you must be on the right.
No middle. No some right views, some left.
Have to agree with all or you are right. Not only that, but because you are right i don't like you.
Because i don't like you, your arguments are invalid. They are ist. Whatever the ist is.
Good luck trying to win votes with that.
It’s the same in America. They lead and we follow. Every time they democrats lose a local election, mid-term or the general election you get everyone from CNN and every democrat claiming they only lost because x town, county, district etc is racist/sexist/transphobic/homophobic. No internal reflection about what they could have done wrong to not connect with voters. Labour and the Democrats used to be the party of the blue collar worker but it seems they’ve annexed themselves to only serve the 10% fringe wokesters who want everyone to lose their job and apologise for things they did 50 years ago.
One guy I love listening to is Bill Maher. He gets accused of leaning right but he’s always championed liberal causes and/or spoken out against things like the environment, climate change, police brutality,free speech, gun control, womens rights, he’s even on the board at PETA. But he says things that upset democrats feelings so he’s automatically on the right now. I don’t agree with his views on drugs for example, but on the whole he’s always seemed to have his finger on the pulse and he just talks very practically about trying to get everyone to get on the same page and work with each other. One thing he always says is don’t discuss politics with your friends or family because you probably won’t change their minds and it will just lead to arguments. He also said for years that Trump wouldn’t admit he lost the election if he did go on to lose and everyone laughed it off, well guess what? He still hasn’t conceded the election.
Is he a drinker? A fcuking idiot yes. But not heard of his drinking before.
Are any politicians competent? Most politicians are either lawyers or career politicians. The only skills they seem to have is trumping.
Plenty of rumours online. My father was an alcoholic; lots about Johnson's behaviour which reminds me of his.
Anyhow, I see it's taken less than 24 hours for last night's promises to fall on their arse as people slowly realise that vaccinating 29 million eligible people inside 18 days is about as possible as Johnson going 20 minutes without telling a lie.
He really is fudging useless. And is backed up by a Cabinet of the incompetent. Worst possible government for these times.
(Oh, and if you have kids, I'd take note of what Javid said this morning and start preparing for online learning in January.)
There are plenty of very good politicians. Jo Cox was but one.
Didn't Boris write a book about Churchill who he looks up to?
Even as Prime Minister, Churchill refused to moderate his drinking. He believed Europeans liked leaders who could hold their liquor, so he did nothing to discourage rumors about his alcoholic excess. ... He always had a glass of whiskey by him, and he drank brandy and champagne both at lunchtime and dinner
I wonder if he will make a come back in 4 years time like Trump.