She has been trying to ballance too many different positions and demands. The ERG, the unity of her party, the EU, jobs, business interests. Things which are not compatible, so it is no wonder she has ended up in this mess. I guess the criticism of her is this was predictable. But it is almost like the nation had to be put through all this, as you couldn't make an executive decision to do the right thing as it would 'undermine democracy'. There is only one solution - get exit options infront of the people. Let the nation weight them up. If remain is judged to be the best option with all the information so beit, it is far from conclusive that it would be. No one but no one should shy away from openly and fairly evaluating the options open to the UK, and letting the people decide. The ramifactions of brexit are decades long, affect the position of the UK in the world order, effect how much freedom our younger people have, and how we trade. Politicians clearly can't get this sorted. Once ready it needs taking out their hands, and everyone needs freedom to weigh up the options. Something which has not been done yet - the first vote kicked off the process - the second one determines how we as a nation go forward with all the information to hand.