David Ginola
Why can’t you just admit that it was a bad misstep instead of trying to gaslight people? You mentioned potentially investigating a Chinese approach to ‘extremists’…well, the approach towards Uighur and other Muslim minorities has been fudging appalling. Add to that the wave of populism and fascism globally, and the potential consequences of such an ‘approach’ would leave many in deep fear. One day extremism is defined one way, the next another. The best way to eradicate extremism will always be to snuff out the conditions which see disaffected and marginalized communities continually ignored and left to become cannon-fodder for extremist recruitment.
Again, I am not sure why you cannot admit the suggestion was poor and perhaps without much thought? Unless you genuinely do believe in what you said, in which case we have nothing left to discuss as I think you’re so wrong it defies belief.
I carried out research in communist Cuba in the 90s and naughties. The structures of government are different to liberal democries. And while mostly suboptimal, there are elements to totalitarian government that work sometimes. Not all that often, but sometimes. To dictate that people can not even talk about or discuss things, is why I think a 'woke' approach really rubs people up the wrong way. It is a hysterical "rightness" that precludes free thinking. You must follow the woke doctrines and not think outside the box, or else you are vilified. Called a bigot and chased out of town! Highly ironic when it is coming from a group of people who profess to have liberal ethics.