Vic Buckingham
Jay Beecher. The man who helped design UKIP and their Brexit lies before turning on his own and writing a snitch-book when it was too late to save people from eating their own brick. A total and utter clam. fudge.Him.
Was a very good post i read recently about how all this ire directed to foreign born and immigrants and yet nothing to the Boris and Rees-Moggs of the world who literally pass laws that benefit the very rich and provide austerity to the very poor. those who then in turn, thank Boris and his merry men, whilst blaming foreigners for their situation.
Amazon paid £220m in Tax last year (Revenue of £10bn), Google paid £40m. Where's the moral outrage there? Instead, people sit there and tinkle about a foreign aid budget they're angry with because the Daily Mail and Sun told them to. The same papers who, guess what, support the government. And that right there, is the circle of life.
Maybe but what he says is totally trueJay Beecher. The man who helped design UKIP and their Brexit lies before turning on his own and writing a snitch-book when it was too late to save people from eating their own brick. A total and utter clam. fudge.Him.
Maybe but what he says is totally true
Lammy has not had a deprived childhood or life in any way, shape or form
Laughable. Are you now going to claim to know what black constituents should be feeling? Are you claiming that his black consituents wait for the daily "Lammy tweet" to decide how to view their day and surroundings? Tell you what, why not tweet your thoughts to his "black constituents" on the realities of the world they live in and why they should not believe anything Lammy says? Go one better and suggest a politician they can trust for a worldview.
Maybe but what he says is totally true
Lammy has not had a deprived childhood or life in any way, shape or form
Maybe but what he says is totally true
Lammy has not had a deprived childhood or life in any way, shape or form
It doesn't matter what they feel, that's irrelevant.Laughable. Are you now going to claim to know what black constituents should be feeling? Are you claiming that his black consituents wait for the daily "Lammy tweet" to decide how to view their day and surroundings? Tell you what, why not tweet your thoughts to his "black constituents" on the realities of the world they live in and why they should not believe anything Lammy says? Go one better and suggest a politician they can trust for a worldview.
If you work hard enough in my company you will get on no matter what colour you areC’mon Marky, I think you know better
white privilege is real
Maybe but what he says is totally true
Lammy has not had a deprived childhood or life in any way, shape or form
The issue for me with him is he has lost his way in my opinion. When he lived in Peterborough and studying he was a more of an open progressive mind, his belief of there are good, bad and the middle of confused when it comes to beliefs has now turned into a divisive view of there are good and bad and that’s it. We all know even on this forum that isn’t the case and had some great debates the last few days about it. His view was more about work and education in communities about change on both sides, he lobbied for fathers to take more responsibility from Afro Caribbean communities as it was hugely linked to crime, I think he even tried to push through fathers being forced to be on birth certificates to be held up to their responsibility. That’s all now been lost to what I see today as a lot of hate and division when I honestly believe he could have a more level approach and use his own experiences as a beacon of what can be achieved because as much as racism in the system does exist it doesn’t always and it is often the perception there is no hope that causes communities not to try. If you promote that line rather than bring some of the positives to the fore then in my opinion he is doing a disservice to his constituents.
The cynic in me and I could be off here does lean me to believe his personality now fits him and it secures he political future. I also look at a man of the people who is a 40 minute tube away from Westminster who cost his tax payers a huge amount in a second home.
It doesn't matter what they feel, that's irrelevant.
What matters is the reality, and little of the racism he claims to exist actually does.
Ah yes, growing up in a single parent household in Tottenham, must have been an absolute fiesta growing up, some people refer to Tottenham as the 'Cotswolds of London' don't you know...
You're basing the entirey of his life on the basis of the school he went to on the back of a scholarship. I received a bursary to study at uni because of my parents low income, ergo, i must never have faced difficulty growing up.x
Edit: I've never seen my parents car be taken away due to lack of payment, i've never had to work throughout higher education, i never spent practically my whole childhood never going on holiday, i've never seen my parents declared bankrupt, all because i once recieved a bursary to study. Cool.
If that was restricted geographically to Tottenham only, that would be one case for every two residents.
It is, for me, a tired argument mate. When things get real he should what, dial it down and speak in muffled tones? Sorry. No politician does, and if he did, he'd be toast.
Deadbeat Dads are tossers whatever communities they're from, end of.
Again, I like positivity and reasoned debate, but I also know that sometimes to be heard you have to adapt to the room. The current room -the one we've had a for a few years globally- has seen populism rising steadily everywhere, to the point it is a genuine global threat. One might say that had there been more shouting down of these clams at the start of it all, then maybe now we could be having reasoned discussions. Instead, the reasoned response were taken advantage of and we have a world teetering not only on the precipice of intense separatism but in the grip of a pandemic which has rendered most people temporarily insane to varying degrees. it is not a good roostertail.
I hope -like you do- that in the coming months we can find wide ground for decent discourse at levels where progressive change can be made. I also hope we can stick to the important issues and not get bogged down in ridiculous scenarios like banning classic satire as some "signal".
But right now, I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with David Lammy or what he's saying.
I presume that means we agree to disagree!
The issue for me with him is he has lost his way in my opinion. When he lived in Peterborough and studying he was a more of an open progressive mind, his belief of there are good, bad and the middle of confused when it comes to beliefs has now turned into a divisive view of there are good and bad and that’s it. We all know even on this forum that isn’t the case and had some great debates the last few days about it. His view was more about work and education in communities about change on both sides, he lobbied for fathers to take more responsibility from Afro Caribbean communities as it was hugely linked to crime, I think he even tried to push through fathers being forced to be on birth certificates to be held up to their responsibility. That’s all now been lost to what I see today as a lot of hate and division when I honestly believe he could have a more level approach and use his own experiences as a beacon of what can be achieved because as much as racism in the system does exist it doesn’t always and it is often the perception there is no hope that causes communities not to try. If you promote that line rather than bring some of the positives to the fore then in my opinion he is doing a disservice to his constituents.
The cynic in me and I could be off here does lean me to believe his personality now fits him and it secures he political future. I also look at a man of the people who is a 40 minute tube away from Westminster who cost his tax payers a huge amount in a second home.
Again I agree to an extent however he isn’t just a face and a voice he is a highly influential person in a position of certain power elected by people who obviously respect him. He has used 8 years or more now shouting in the same way and it’s not produced the results he or anyone wants. Just because he is not in government does not mean as an MP he can’t be part of the solution himself.
As someone said I don’t know what it means to be a black man, same token Boris doesn’t probably even less than a pleb like me, Lammy does, surely his efforts are better presenting solutions, providing examples of his grassroots efforts that work?
Im not asking him to do this moonlighting from his day job, this is his job even not in government. And let’s not forget in this historic racism laden country he was an MP in a government of power for 10 years from 2000-2010, he has to himself be accountable if he is holding Boris who is a clam to account after 6 months, that just stands to reason.
We all have a responsibility to this, regardless of race including Lammy. And I will end by saying let’s not get bogged down by Lammys skin colour in summary, I just don’t think he is a very good politician, his profile is bigger than his actual achievements (I don’t class twitter count as an achievement) yet his profile is a lot higher than real standard bearers like Grant and Boateng.
Is that true, I was looking at his wikipedia as I dont really know much about him and it says that which would be the opposite:
In January 2019 Lammy described Rod Liddle having a column in a weekly newspaper as a "national disgrace" and accused Liddle of having “white middle class privilege” for expressing the view that absent fathers played a role in violent crime involving black youths.[57] Writing in an article for The Spectator, Liddle disputed Lammy's claim that he was raised in a family reliant on tax credits, which were not introduced in the United Kingdom until Lammy was aged 31
Apparently he also said the ERG are the same as the Nazi party and doubled down on the comments in a later interview as well, he doesn't hold back.
To be fair he has already written a report commissioned by Cameron with several recommendations, by all means hold another review if needed but he's bang on that there's already been several reviews with recommendations that could be implemented.