I'm pretty sure that Johnson is autistic. I say that as the father of an autistic daughter. The cadence of his voice, his tunnel vision, is self entitlement and lack of empathy. He is also a clam, which has nothing to do with being autistic. Most people on the spectrum are great people.
This fudging flimflam is precisely why Corbyn shouldn't be allowed anywhere near government:
Those workshy surrenderclams were on strike when I was out in Paris in September too - nearly tripled the cost of my chauffeur with all the extra traffic.
So many people tell me I'm on the spectrum whatever the fcuk that means.
Tip? I gave him the full length.How much did you tip him?
Is one of the traits being able to make it through all the questions without getting bored?
Is one of the traits being able to make it through all the questions without getting bored?
So many people tell me I'm on the spectrum whatever the fcuk that means.
Super Boris ducking and diving to avoid being interviewed by Andrew Neil. What is this tinkle weak pretender hiding...? The fact that he is a liar, is untrustworthy.... his autistic tendecies, what?
They're very rare in my experience. Mostly the people I know vote Conservative because they have at least a passing understanding of economics or Labour because they want all the free stuff now and fudge the future.Is anyone else intrigued by people who vote for parties that aren't in their interests? Like people on benefits who vote Conservative. Or people with money, who don't vote Conservative.
Democratic politics is ALL about identity it seems - who people want to identify with. Logic and policies seem to have very little sway. A policy that is more complex than a sound bite - forget about it.
They're very rare in my experience. Mostly the people I know vote Conservative because they have at least a passing understanding of economics or Labour because they want all the free stuff now and fudge the future.
Voting Conservative is in the interest of people on benefits as long as they understand that killing the golden goose is bad for all of us.
People under £80K would only be better off for a very short while - most people are capable of wondering WTF is going to happen when the money runs out.I think Labour have inherent communication problems. For example, if you take it that anyone earning under 80k would benefit from Labour and anyone earning more would lose some money from Labour, then just on a simplistic money metric, Labour should get a lot more votes. I know this is crude but in essence its correct. I am the converse. So I shouldn't be surprised people go against what is best for them.
What I really don't get is all those in ex-mining towns etc, who are going to vote Tory! Brexit has defied economic logic, as well as identity politics. Cummings nouse was to see that he could grab these voters with simple messaging. And because Farrage, Corbyn, Swinson are equally/more shambolic than Johnson, he'll get a majority in parliament. The lack of credible alternatives plus a bit of good ol' misselling over Brexit should easily get him over the line.
Is anyone else intrigued by people who vote for parties that aren't in their interests? Like people on benefits who vote Conservative. Or people with money, who don't vote Conservative.
Democratic politics is ALL about identity it seems - who people want to identify with. Logic and policies seem to have very little sway. A policy that is more complex than a sound bite - forget about it.