David Ginola
I'm sure I read earlier that a Labour MP has accused them of being funded by Israel![]()
I saw that somewhere. Just shows how the interweb can skew every aspect of reporting.
I'm sure I read earlier that a Labour MP has accused them of being funded by Israel![]()
I saw that somewhere. Just shows how the interweb can skew every aspect of reporting.
Decent PM was Blair till the end.
Taking us into a illegal war on a lie, second worst PM after the " Milk snatcher" imo.
Taking us into a illegal war on a lie, second worst PM after the " Milk snatcher" imo.
That was dreadful I absolutely agree, but as an overall PM as @StephenH said he is better than anything out there at the minute
No more than most wars!
The country was never going query the yanks because at the time we just followed.
Blair was unlucky that he was the one left holding the can on the back of US incompetence.
But the tree huggers in the UK needed a spacegoat so Blair was the man.
Personally I doubt anybody at the time would have done any different, we just did what we always did ‘followed the US lead’. We were still on the hook to them for WW2.
Now we are too scared to do SFA in case they are bought to book for war crimes.
A very good friend of mine lost his son in that war and he has been a shell ever since.
Whoever was PM at the time was going to have to ware this, sad but that’s politics.
Thats so true, its all about luck at the time. Not to compare them like for like but you look at anything that happens, floods and fires and whoever the president or PM is there is never enough being done. Terrorism the same, could it have been stopped, then the people baying for war.
The only thing you can say on Iraq is that we may of gone in for the wrong reasons but we got ride of SH once and for all.
The EU enforces a minimum 15% VAT which we can play around with which can galvanise the industry, thats one of the main points to it. The tourist Industry which is my business actually has been lobbying it for years. This would allow hotels, restaurants, pubs and visitor attractions to cut prices, boosting sales and employment in this sector, which in turn would encourage growth in the wider economy Tourism which is a much larger industry in the UK than car manufacturing.
On the other points:
- Toyota are building their new Corolla here, that started in Jan post Brexit, so it can be done. I would still suggest that with Honda being as low as 16th in the ranking of car popularity in the UK and only selling 148,000 units in Europe compared to 2m+ in each of North America and Asia is the main factor in all this. They are also the last dog to the bone in the EV market, their 2019 car is being pushed further back.
- Well thats yet to be seen and its an area I am no expert in but I would suggest Google know better than me, they are creating 3000 jobs in the city with their investment so Brexit has not put off that industry. Amazon and Apple have also made significant investments in the industry in the UK, surely they would not do such a thing if the talent pool was poor or there might be financial issues to navigate?
Not being in the EU also makesit easier to bail out companies like Tata Steel who are now able to make more jobs available in the British Steel industry, thats always a positive dont you think?
I don't feel closer to understanding what the major oppotunities you mentioned are. It seems you are suggesting we could charge less than 15% VAT and that would be a big help? At the moment, while we are in the EU you are saying we can drop to 15% now if we wanted? A 5% saving. If we are not doing that now, it begs the question, why would we drop it even more when we leave the EU?
I don't want to appear a clam, but you said there was major oppotunity to come from Brexit. If this oppotunity is there. Someone has to be able to outline what it is. Or does not exit.... Is that a clamish thing to say, or the truth?
What you are saying about Honda is we don't need them anyway. Yes at least Toyota aren't pulling out just yet. That is good (...never mind the loss of the new Nissan to Sunderland and all 5,000+ jobs from Swindon).
There is oppotunity for Tech companies with Brexit, but it seems a way off. The concern is that a lot of EU programmers could be affected. Maybe in the future the UK will be importing Indian developers. Ironic as we could have a less white UK as a result of Brexit. I don't mind that, but I have a feeling (its also backed up by reseach) that those who voted for leave becuase of immigration, prefer white immigrants.
The French have constantly bailed out companies, and protected companies from forign take over...while within the EU. The UK just lost Arm to the Japanese (partly becuase of Brexit and the pound). If the French have been supporting national interests from within the EU, why do you suppose we could not from within the EU? It is national choice and determination that is missing. Are you blaming the EU for issues that need sorting here in the UK?
The UK just lost Arm to the Japanese (partly becuase of Brexit and the pound).?
Sorry mate but that is tosh. He bent over for Bush and lied about the reason for going. I actually voted for Blair when he first got in but i promised myself i would never vote Labour again while he or any one connected to his inner circle were still in the party.
Who ever is in power has the right to make decisions about this that or the other and we have to suck it up, but taking this country into a war on a lie and because of that causing the deaths of its citzens is a ********. A very good friend of mine lost his son in that war and he has been a shell ever since.
I did as well, thought he was different. Thatcher may have made a generation of northerners hate the tories. But bliar did the same for Labour, I am only considering going to them as Corbyn is so different to all the others.
It’s personal, I get it!
We have bent over for so many US presidents of the last 100 years Blair had little choice.
But we all find it easier to spacegoat somebody anybody rather than own it as a nation! Whoever was PM at the time was going to have to ware this, sad but that’s politics, Churchill said we would pay for centuries for what US help.
Farage is “Different”!
I respect him for getting us the referendum but UKIP never had enough policies other then the excellent one on the EU. They were against wind farms and a lot seemed to have a hatred against Gays. Both areas where they are the polar opposite of what I think.