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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

There is no mandate for No deal or hard brexit. If there had been May would have won her 2017 election having put this on the table in her speeches before the election. Boris and his cronies were over reaching and parliament rightly pulled them back. If they had a serious negotiating position they should have extended the deadline then really got to work. They forced Parliament's hand when previous motions aimed at preventing no deal failed.

The EU were not going to deal just on the threat of "no deal" they know we have no infrastructure at the ports let alone in other industries to handle no deal. They aren't idiots. Words alone don't impress them. The threat is only real if backed up with genuine leverage. We have none.

Boris and Cummings knew this which is why they didn't put anything concrete in front of the EU before announcing the prorogation. They have been trying to force an election. If they cared about the "will of the people" they would have voted for May's deal.
You forgot to add silly name calling and war references to your post.
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So what is your 'game' Mr?
My game is the same as the UK's should be - give the EU two choices and ensure their preference is also ours.

That also happens to be Johnson's game but Parliament are set on locking us into two options that make it easy for the EU to force us down one route.
And as much as people talk about no mandate for no deal, they never seem to mention BINO/remain have even less credibility.

No deal IS leaving the EU. BINO/remain are clearly not.

I can only go by Leave voters who I know where the major concern was immigration and the lack of control over borders. Most wouldn't have the foggiest about trade deals, bino, backstop or no deal. A binary referendum did not allow for shades of grey. If you were concerned about the pressure on school places, hospitals or GPs or the fact that you felt like your community was being taken over or you couldn't get a job because of migrant labour then your only option was to vote Leave.
I'm quite impressed with him so far, he has made moves and bought things later to a head.

The thing for me is, as severe as people think no deal is, I can't help thinking it's better than BINO - which parliament seem set upon.

And as much as people talk about no mandate for no deal, they never seem to mention BINO/remain have even less credibility.

No deal IS leaving the EU. BINO/remain are clearly not.

I think the majority of parliament is set on revoke but won't admit it, another referendum is just a folly. I wish they'd just come out with it so we at least know where everyone stands, it's just getting tedious.

I can only go by Leave voters who I know where the major concern was immigration and the lack of control over borders. Most wouldn't have the foggiest about trade deals, bino, backstop or no deal. A binary referendum did not allow for shades of grey. If you were concerned about the pressure on school places, hospitals or GPs or the fact that you felt like your community was being taken over or you couldn't get a job because of migrant labour then your only option was to vote Leave.

I think it was immigration and the EU having control over laws, ECJ etc. I think setting our own trade deals was also raised heavily but the first 2 items were really what made leave win.
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It would be suicide to agree to an election before no deal is either stopped or allowed to happen.

Especially given the procedural shenanigans the shameless fudgers tried with the Kinnock amendment. And the fact that Johnson has pretty much guaranteed to use any trick he can to get a no deal exit through. While a load of elderly lords are having to stumble their way through a 48 hour filibuster.

I don’t know who Johnson thinks he’s trying to fool. Well, except for Glory Glory’s moggite contingent, apparently.
I think it was imigration and the EU having control over laws, ECJ etc. I think setting our own trade deals was also raised heavily but the first 2 items were really what made leave win.

The margin between leave and remain was just over a million right? I am sure out of the 17 million leave voters there would have been at least a million who voted on immigration alone.
Especially given the procedural shenanigans the shameless fudgers tried with the Kinnock amendment. And the fact that Johnson has pretty much guaranteed to use any trick he can to get a no deal exit through. While a load of elderly lords are having to stumble their way through a 48 hour filibuster.

I don’t know who Johnson thinks he’s trying to fool. Well, except for Glory Glory’s moggite contingent, apparently.

But that amendment should have gone through, if there's an extension then why shouldn't it be used to look at the updated withdrawl agreement rather than wasting even more time? Labour have already said it's not legally watertight and will ignore it anyway.