Vinnie Samways
I've stayed out of the Brexit debate because it's your internal issue. As a Canadian, I don't have a right to tell you what to do. My genuine fear for you (a country I love and have deep personal ties to) is that you're going to get a shockingly rude awakening to the cold realities of geopolitics when you're out of the only power bloc that gave a damn about the wellbeing of the UK - a power bloc that, once you're out, has a real and pressing interest in making sure that you suffer for it, pour encourager les autres.
But I can tell you that, for Canada, our PM's trade advisory group (headed by an ex-leader of our Conservative Party) has already openly stated that a post-Brexit UK will be in the weakest position it's been in for a very long time, making the prospect of heavily one-sided trade deals that favor us and the United States pretty likely. And your government seems utterly unable to understand that you will need a lot of goodwill to avoid nations reaming you on all those deals - goodwill that rapidly runs out when you do things like make Jihadi Jack Canada's problem without a word's warning or care in the world.
And that's Canada, a nation that still has some sentimental ties to the old country, is a close security partner and a part of the Anglosphere you created.
The US, India and China will be far, far more brutally direct, and with India there's a tiny historical grievance they would much like to settle. Not to mention the EU itself, which has little reason to risk other members leaving by treating the UK with kid gloves.
I fear for your future with what you're doing. The world, as you will shortly realise unless you stop this, will not see you as anything other than roadkill. This is international relations realism at its basest level, and it has worked this way for thousands of years, ever since the Melian Dialogue laid out in stark simplicity what a weak nation can expect from those stronger than it.
And everything that truly made Britain a human exemplar, including one of the greatest human achievements of the 20th century in the NHS, will be sold lock, stock and barrel to pay the bills the world will demand.
I hope you don't do this - as someone who loves so many things about the UK, I hope you don't. I wish I could slap some fudging sense into all of you, but I can't.
All I can do is be sad you're doing this.![]()
Some of us on this lunatic asylum island are still sane, please send help.