Dimitar Berbatov
System that is fair but 'hell'This obsession with a "fairer" immigration system is misguided. We have a system now that is fair for the rest of the world, that is how my parents and most of my family came here. Look around you, if you live in London there are plenty of people from the rest of the world, Sri Lankans, Brazilians, Afghani, Fillipino Korean, to name a few. The advantage of the EU system is that it allowed our citizens to go and find work in other member states more easily. We have thrown that away. We do not have those rights with the rest of the world and it gave us real flexibility in the job market.
I stress again that immigration was a huge issue during the referendum. People were not voting for a replacement of EU citizens with those from the rest of the world.
Probate is hell but I've just journeyed through it.
Planning is hell but I've just journeyed through it.
It's not hell...it's a process...slow, form filling and a long dose of waiting, but you get there.
My discussion about a fair system is not based on anything to do with Brexit (I've tried to make that clear) it's solely about any country assessing the options and employing the fairest system to all other human beings on the planet that enters that system, just as any system, be it the ticket sales system at Tottenham or the pupil in take at primary schools, non-discrimination and transparent procedures should be primary targets.
If we can't freely walk into another EU country and work boo-hoo...just fill out some forms and jump thru some hoops. Hopefully it won't be to hellish.
As you say maybe immigration was a driver of the leave vote, so how do we address that?
And we know what @SpurMeUp will say, although he got a bit poo poo'd on by the BBC today