Frederic Kanoute
Said like he did so just walking down the street to a woman minding her own business.
The last part in bold is just spin to make people feel bad about the view. However I am able to split the two, I have never and would never strike a woman am hugely against domestic violence, however this was not, she was invading somewhere she shouldn't and in a climate where the is a high risk of attacks on political figures from the worse of Jo Cox to the latest of milkshake gates, we can all sit here with the power of hindsight and say "I would have done this and done that" or "did they have any weapons" etc etc but thats all crap, no one can sit and say how they would have reacted because you didn't live the moment so any other hindsight filled reactions would be disingenuous
That's absolutely not the case. I have been in highly charged situations as have many of my former colleagues and we have not reacted with force unless absolutely necessary. If Jo Cox is your benchmark for interactions between protesters, members of the public and MPs or the famous we are going to have a lot of over reactions.