Jimmy Cantrell
Let me try and answer your post by saying firstly i have nothing but admiration for those who are working on the streets and trying to protect the public and nothing i have said is against them at all.
No i have never been inside a prison either as a guest or a visitor and i have no desire to do so. But as far as i am concerned i hope they are "Not a nice place I can assure you." as you say, they should not be and i have no sympathy for those that end up there. If judges make perverse decisions ( again your words) then more fool them.
As for another of you points "not having enough experienced coppers around" well they should be and ( imo) is not a good enough excuse for lesser charges and getting soft on crime.
My main problem though is not the police themselves,as you would know better then me they are understaffed and probably under budgeted, its the pussy arsed social worker who believes there is goodness in everyone and that everyone deserves another chance( and another one and then another one).
I understand that not everything is not " Black or White" but to say that we are not soft on crime is ( imo) wrong and i would suggest that if you were to ask those who live in the built up areas around our country they would 400% back that up.
There is a old saying " if you can not do the time then do not do the crime" nowadays that is laughed at by the scumbags etc as they usually get a slap on the hand and let go to commit more crime.
Where I was living in Grays they found a gang on the street in pos' of loads of drugs, found them to be using girls usually GFs to hold the drugs as they were in theory were less likely searched, using kids on bikes as runners etc the police found all this, had the evidence as they busted them in the town centre. Anyway the known leader was sent to court and got a curfew...a curfew for being in their words "a known drug" dealer. Not allowed out after X and not allowed near the town centre etc.
Stone the crows a couple of months later found to have broken the curfew and in London up to no good.
What's the point?