Chris Armstrong
Who born after the mid-70s isn't a product of Thatcher to be fair. Everyone who is happy with private amenities for starters
I love a private amenity [emoji57]
Sitting on my porcelain throne using Fapatalk
Who born after the mid-70s isn't a product of Thatcher to be fair. Everyone who is happy with private amenities for starters
MPs won't let that happen though. I don't think he has many allies any more in the HoC, so they'll make sure he doesn't make the final two.
I'd imagine it will be a safe pair of hand senior minister like Hunt or Javid against a relatively baggageless Brexitter like Rabb or Mordaunt
Every leader, politician, rival or ally have been saying gracious things, showing a little sympathy and humanity.
Corbyn blasts May.
He's right though.
And let's be clear, she is resigning, she's not died or resigned due to serious illness (unless you count being a Tory) - supposedly no one votes for parties anymore, they vote for the it's time for a GE.
Ha, back to square one. I dont need to own a thing, because its not even there, thats the whole bloody point.
I voted for a single reason, for a single reason party, and thats it.
And as we both know, by your own admission, IF I have contributed to the privatisation of the NHS (I havent) it will be in an infinitesimally small (and secondary/tertiary) way.
You say you arent losing your brick about it, but youve been rather forcefully trying to drive home how I need to "Own" that. Something doesnt quite add up.
I do hope you practice what you preach and never ever vote for anyone who could possibly have such minor negative implications/connotations yourself.
Although I guess that would just mean you dont vote.
He has to be the literal worse choice. I cant imagine him getting close to it when all is said and done.
The reason that you voted for Farage is not what I'm talking about... Never was. It's the result of your vote.
Take responsibility.
About Boris, if it goes to the membership then he will be locked in.
And although @Gutter Boy doesn't believe that he has the parliamentary support of the conservatives, if they are planning an election anytime soon, they feel Taht he would literally be the only person Taht could beat Corbyn
This would be a catastrophic mistake on top of the many we have already made.Can one of the remoaners who is so in love with the evil EU explain to me why it is ok for European countries to have a insurance based health service but not ok for us.
The NHS is like a weird cult for some in this country. I have a serious illness that was first seen by a GP but then we went private. Not sure what the issue is with private health care.
Relatives in Australia can not afford for a hip replacement so are waiting for their form of state help but they have an insurance based system. If it came in here people would still be treated.
As for Farage the is a movement in general left leaning society to try and turn him into the devil. He is far from that, he believes in independence, he has always said this country has a duty to accept asylum seekers as they differ from general immigration. And that general immigration should be on a visa points based system like so many other countries in the world.
The far left like to try and turn someone into a monster, you see it every time a republican becomes president. Your so it with Maggie who with the passing of time you can see her mistakes but she was still streets ahead of Kinnock at the time and the country agreed.
I as long as he still wants some separation from Europe voting Corbyn. I want fresh ideas and a more society orientated country and think he offers that.
As for fracking I am mixed on it. Would probably allow 10 year licences while we get true green technology up to speed, wave turbine technology and the like.
Sounds to me like he fighting for his country and what he believes is best for the country - that is what we want our politicians to do.She has clearly done her best, and done what she thought best, and is defeated.
(which is at no point suggesting a job well done at all)
It really wouldnt be a bad thing for Corbyn to show just a little respect. If anything he would look much better for it.
But instead he is so rabid for an election he cant even muster that.
People should vote for parties, not leaders. And politicians (of all colour) should live up to the right standards, not the popular or self serving ones.
I'm not losing my brick at all.
I'm saying if you, or anyone who votes for Farage then you and they will have contributed to the eventual privatisation of the NHS.
You have to own that.
Every leader, politician, rival or ally have been saying gracious things, showing a little sympathy and humanity.
Corbyn blasts May and calls for election
Classy heh?
Sounds to me like he fighting for his country and what he believes is best for the country - that is what we want our politicians to do.
Respect? Respect what? Person quits job - that's it. There is no need for any extra pomp and ceremony.
I cant stand Juncker at all, but look:
EU Commission: 'No change' on Brexit withdrawal deal
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker "followed prime minister May's announcement this morning without personal joy", a spokeswoman has said.
She added: "The president very much liked and appreciated working with prime minister May, and has said before Theresa May is a woman of courage for whom he has great respect.
"He will equally respect and establish working relations with any new prime minister, whomever they may be, without stopping his conversations with prime minister May.
"Our position on the withdrawal agreement has been set out by my colleague yesterday. There is no change to that.
"We have set out our position on the withdrawal agreement and on the political declaration.
"The European Commission and the Article 50 format has set out its position and we remain available for anyone who will be the new prime minister."
Managed to make his political point while being courteous/respectful about it.
Its really not hard.
There has been plenty of rubbish posted in this thread ( by many posters) but i am sorry mate that one is probably the biggest load of tripe i have read. (imo)
Whilst I completely agree with you, what has it come to when we're holding up JC Juncker as an example of charm and decency...?
Jeez Jezza, hang your head man!
That's the thing, examine real things (as apposed to the Sun or Telegraph's headlines) and the EU is decent, its manade charming - to help nations work together. It is our government that needs attention.
Ironic that we vote to get out of Europe at a protest against our own internal government who are a mess, and we fix it by insisting these failiurs get more power![]()
Whilst I completely agree with you, what has it come to when we're holding up JC Juncker as an example of charm and decency...?
Jeez Jezza, hang your head man!
His views on the NHS are out there for anyone to see.
By voting for him you are saying that his views on Brexit are more important to you than his views on the NHS.
You vote for him, he gets more power, and so do his views, including his views on the NHS.