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OT: What next for Harry?

The bias on this forum is actually so amusing! Same posters though, always with the double standards I am realising. Harry was smart taking the job because it's a no lose situation, and no doubt if he had turned the job down it was because he was a coward or some brick like that.

Every opportunity to take that dig at him. Anyone would think he did a bad job for us or sold us down the river. He got us top five three successive seasons, built on a decent team and turned us into top four challengers and left us stronger than he found us. I for one am very grateful.

i dont understand what's wrong with the other account you hold. that one is ICONIC on this forum and there is nothing wrong with save for when you get a little irritated with someone and let loose.

but agreed with your post here.

people here with about 100,000 post of brick quality contribution though do make it seem like the forum is saturated with Anti harry propaganda.......but the truth is that the split is not that bad.

i think with a firm decision to not directly interact with people that WUM and dont think things through would make it easier to stomach
I don't understand why someone can't be negative towards Redknapp without it implying that nothing he achieved with Spurs was good enough. It's perfectly possible to have a huge dislike of Redknapp, for many reasons, yet still be able to acknowledge the results he got here. It's also possible to find flaws in his management at Spurs without it meaning he was completely useless. He did very well with us, but there are reasons for thinking he could have done even better.

It's foolish to think that Harry was sacked simply for not finishing 3rd or demand that the new guy immediately improves our results. AVB was brought in as part of a longer term plan. In order to keep competing for the CL spots we had to change our approach slightly. We don't have the finances to buy our way in. I fully understand why Redknapp was not considered the right person for that job. It's equally foolish to be negative towards AVB simply because he replaced Redknapp or towards other posters because they see Redknapp differently from yourself, he just wasn't the right man at the right time any longer.
I don't understand why someone can't be negative towards Redknapp without it implying that nothing he achieved with Spurs was good enough. It's perfectly possible to have a huge dislike of Redknapp, for many reasons, yet still be able to acknowledge the results he got here. It's also possible to find flaws in his management at Spurs without it meaning he was completely useless. He did very well with us, but there are reasons for thinking he could have done even better.

It's foolish to think that Harry was sacked simply for not finishing 3rd or demand that the new guy immediately improves our results. AVB was brought in as part of a longer term plan. In order to keep competing for the CL spots we had to change our approach slightly. We don't have the finances to buy our way in. I fully understand why Redknapp was not considered the right person for that job. It's equally foolish to be negative towards AVB simply because he replaced Redknapp or towards other posters because they see Redknapp differently from yourself, he just wasn't the right man at the right time any longer.

seems a broad statement here. not quite sure what you mean precisely

for me i can tell you straight out that people make brick up and coat it in facts to make it out like harry was a clueless tactically inept manager that only bought old people.

categorical load of flimflam to me and a clear indicator of WUMs

sure its common sense that levy didnt like harry and vice versa, or that harry didnt ever really get any of his primary targets and had more of a cheaper budget to spend . pound for pound harry made more of the 7 million he spent that summer than arsene made of the 50 + million he spent.

i personally can tell you precisely what i dont like and the anti harry comments. its the late game twisting of events to suit a pre disposition that i personally find grating. when we were winning no one had a problem with squad rotating...when we were losing then it became a thing that harry is brick at rotating. when we were losing our players are brick players and we have a brick squad..no issues there when we were winning or when AVB pulls out results with many people from that 11. the list like stuff like that is quite long ....bale with his staying wide and should not come infield.....playing our most consistent guy too much.....substitutions...hinsight of games we lost badly....not taking europa seriously........etc etc..

all these things have pros when things are good then suddenly become SUPER cons when things go south and people that dont like someone feel the opportunity to stab a good man manager in the back.

you talk about consistently making the CL we needed to change our approach? can you explain that

what approach did we have that was , according you indirectly through your comments, failing..or at least was going to fail....

follow that question above with...what approach are we taking that will ensure our CL presence or strong competition for CL in the future? whats the approach and how is it better from the last one?

will we have to spend BIG money or this new approach? is it net spend or through sales of our own players?
do you feel former management would have had similar backing?
You have to feel a little bit sorry for fans who can not move on, they keep trying to defend a manager who was SACKED by the club and can not get over it.
We can't afford to buy 2-3 £15-20 million players every season, we need to find them while they're young and cheap(er) and develop them ourselves. That has never been Harry's game. If they were good enough he would play them, but he never had any long term plans on how to improve individual players. Why would he when he could just go out and buy someone.

It's not twisting the truth to say that he's bought a lot of players at the clubs he's been at and a majority has been of the experienced kind. Not necessarily 30-year olds, but established players. His scouting of players mostly relied on tips from agents or other people he knew in football, again not a lie or twisting of anything.

I find that there's just as much an attempt to twist things positively to portray him as far greater than he is. He got us playing decent football and he got us results, but no more than the quality of the players at his disposal warranted. Part of what brought about his end was his inability to either identify or settle on targets that fit with Levy's transfer strategy.

As for rotating, Harry was brick at it. He'd let players go months without 1st team action, then suddenly throw them in. It's no wonder some put in poor performances and that the regulars got burnt out towards the end. I think almost everything that has been aimed at Harry in retrospect was talked about while he was still here. It's just more noticeable now as there's not so much talk about him, but everything negative is picked up on by a select few so they can have the usual "anti-Harry camp" digs.

I don't have any expectations when it comes to backing the manager in the transfer market as I just don't think we have that kind of cash. Harry was given considerable backing at the beginning and he spent willingly, the only problem was he didn't spend all that well. Maybe he thought he would continue to get that sort of money, but Levy said after the first January window that it was a one-off, we couldn't afford to keep spending like that. In fact, the money we overspent then would have to come out of future transfer kitties.
We can't afford to buy 2-3 £15-20 million players every season, we need to find them while they're young and cheap(er) and develop them ourselves. That has never been Harry's game. If they were good enough he would play them, but he never had any long term plans on how to improve individual players. Why would he when he could just go out and buy someone.

yes we cant afford that. thats got nothing to do with harry though and everything to do with levy. harry never bought like that, instead its the complete opposite.
i do agree though...buying for future was not always harry's main thing..yet he did make the sale of some younger players didnt he. the kyles and sandro to name a few...and its funny when you talk about development and think about the clubs he has been at before tottenham and he has played and developed young players through out his career but for some reason it wont happen here? ever?

It's not twisting the truth to say that he's bought a lot of players at the clubs he's been at and a majority has been of the experienced kind. Not necessarily 30-year olds, but established players. His scouting of players mostly relied on tips from agents or other people he knew in football, again not a lie or twisting of anything.

because its easy looking to the future buying the unfinished article when your managing STRUGGLING relegation clubs? what did you expect him to do..scour the earth for cheap players that are young and may not be ready when he fights relegation battles? a problem that requires strong minds as opposed to young inexperienced ones?

its a total guess that about his scouting...its probably true but where do you get that info from...even if its a rumour i wouldnt even contemplate the arrogance that someone that has been coaching at top football for 30 years plus doesnt have a scouting network...and what is scouting if not contacts in the game anyway..be it friends or agents? you seem to think scouting is only or primarily involving a scout. you can scout with your own brother giving you inside information to a kid in his sons school

I find that there's just as much an attempt to twist things positively to portray him as far greater than he is. He got us playing decent football and he got us results, but no more than the quality of the players at his disposal warranted.

this bit is funny a little. he got talented players to perform to a high standard. shoot him dead for that. how many managers do you know that get players to perform higher than their station? not many is the answer. infact some managers like avb make brick work of good players...fact. doesnt mean when they get good players to perform to good player level that it shouldnt be considered an acheivement

Part of what brought about his end was his inability to either identify or settle on targets that fit with Levy's transfer strategy.

this bit here annoys me, but thats my personal problem. i dont think in any shape or form that you are a WUM..not like the 20000 post guy. but if harry has a problem with it then so does avb and so did ramos and so did Jol...all aside from AVB have moaned about Levy and the transfers at some point. so why this is something you isolate to harry and not levy i dont understand

As for rotating, Harry was brick at it. He'd let players go months without 1st team action, then suddenly throw them in. It's no wonder some put in poor performances and that the regulars got burnt out towards the end. I think almost everything that has been aimed at Harry in retrospect was talked about while he was still here. It's just more noticeable now as there's not so much talk about him, but everything negative is picked up on by a select few so they can have the usual "anti-Harry camp" digs.

did you complain when we were wininng? i bet you not. did you ask for players to get dropped when we were winning? who did you ask to get dropped? VDV? modric? bale? lennon? parker? adebayor? BAE? who exactly ...and would you be happy not winning if you did that , clinging to sound rotation policy.

what do you mean by its no wonder people played poorly? it their job to come in and play to within an inch of their lives when they get the chance.
you just said in the parker thread that parker should only come in when sandro is tired and needs a rest. why is parker going to suddenly play spectacularly when just here you're saying its no wonder people played poorly when they came in? and who played poorly can i just ask? who was it that came in and played badly?

i wish we had links to the old board, i can almost bet the mortgage that you didnt complain about burn out when we were winning. i am that certain yours too was a hindsight gig when we were losing...and even then...who from the best first 11 would you have dropped..or did you call for to be dropped?

I don't have any expectations when it comes to backing the manager in the transfer market as I just don't think we have that kind of cash.

okay but yet its harry being indecisive somehow?

Harry was given considerable backing at the beginning and he spent willingly, the only problem was he didn't spend all that well.

oh my daaays, we were bottom of the league and the board hired someone that was used to that kind o position and backed him with money to ensure that they stay up. you think the board are like us fans that have NO money but can chat breeze whenever we want about "we were never going to get relegated"...these are hardcore shrewd business men who understand that sometimes even occur that trump common sense. they probably saw that the mental state was dire under ramos and players confidence was in the garbage disposal.....and then thought..we are going to have to buy the confidence back in. of course harry got backing when the people with money are bricking themselves about possibilities and declining share value. they'll flood their product with money to buy it back to a stable state and make sure that the results reflect investment..which is ..."dont get relegated at all costs"..we reached 8th that year if i remember correctly.......

then there is the claim that harry bought badly....now i think you are firmly in the i never liked harry so things were alot more bleak when he was here type corner..pray tell..which bad buys were they that took us from bottom to 8th, then to 4th and Cl , then to Quarter finals and 5th and then 4th again. who were the brick buys that DID not make a significant impact when they were here?

Maybe he thought he would continue to get that sort of money, but Levy said after the first January window that it was a one-off, we couldn't afford to keep spending like that.

or maybe the board just thought...lets get out of this fox hole of a relegation scrap, give him what he wants. you should know by now that no one tells the board what to do. they gave him money cause they wanted to . because they knew they had to to ensure the kind of result they wanted .

who were the bad buys anyway? kaboul? defoe? palacious? who exactly?

In fact, the money we overspent then would have to come out of future transfer kitties.

did you just make that up?
This actually went a different way then i expected..

I was expecting a 'Levy made the buys' type rant..

In fact i agreed with most of what african said.. up until the stuff about AVB being a brick manager.. Which was actually completely and utterly unneeded in a conversation about Redknapp...
I don't think he spent well in terms of value for money. I have more of a Levy-way of looking at things.
Didn't you get after your post before this that it was totally ignored for a reason? you're trying to hard so in future be a bit more subtle about it.

But what if it is true?, we are all supposed to support the club but some can not lay Redknapp to rest.
This actually went a different way then i expected..

I was expecting a 'Levy made the buys' type rant..

In fact i agreed with most of what african said.. up until the stuff about AVB being a brick manager.. Which was actually completely and utterly unneeded in a conversation about Redknapp...

i called avb a brick manager? where ? ignore that bit then...although i am quite certain i didnt say that

oooohhh, you mean when i said he did a bad job at chelsea? well technically speaking he did. i dont hold that against him though. aside from the man management mess which i think he is doing a superb job with us to my surprise
Didn't you get after your post before this that it was totally ignored for a reason? you're trying to hard so in future be a bit more subtle about it.

i dont even know why you responded to it to be honest. he wasnt actually saying anything noteworthy and what he said was probably true to some of us

i dont have a poster but i thoroughly grateful for my time with spurs under redknapp..we reached the HIGHEST we have ever been since i supported them..get BIG BOY results. some people are easily detached from such things, actually i am one of those kind of people ..but i cant detach myself from the feeling when we beat Emirates Marketing Project to get 4th ...when we beat inter...creamed liverpool..beat arsenal, cheslea....yeeeaahh..good times.
i called avb a brick manager? where ? ignore that bit then...although i am quite certain i didnt say that

oooohhh, you mean when i said he did a bad job at chelsea? well technically speaking he did. i dont hold that against him though. aside from the man management mess which i think he is doing a superb job with us to my surprise

' infact some managers like avb make brick work of good players...fact.'

Maybe you were talking about Chelsea, i don't entirely know. Fair enough, it just seemed out of left field in a thing about Harry.
I don't think he spent well in terms of value for money. I have more of a Levy-way of looking at things.

Well then i'll join you and also take a "Levy way" of looking at it.

Friedel = Free.....can sell for nothing
Kaboul = 6m ...can sell for £12m plus
walker = 4m...can sell for £12m plus
Naughton = 4m ....can sell for 5m plus
Gallas = Free...can sell for nothing
Nelsen = Free...sold for nothing
Bassong = 8m...sold for 5m
Chimbonda = 2.5m...sold for 2.5m
Kranjcar = 2.5m....sold for 5.7m
Pienaar = 2.5m ..sold for 4.5m
Palacios = 12m ..sold for 10m
Parker = 5m....can sell for 5m plus
Sandro = 8m....can sell for 15m plus
VDV = 8M ....sold for 10m
Defoe = 9m....can sell for 10m plus
Keane = 12m ...sold for 3.5m
Crouch = 10m ...sold for 10m

So i've taken the Daniel Levy way of looking at his signings and i still don't get how you've arrived at that conclusion.
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Look, Harry achieved some great results with us, but he also failed at vital moments. Regardless of all that, Levy and the board wanted to go with a different approach and that's all I care about. I'm just tired of all the attempts to brand posters as 'anti Harry'. It's possible to not be entirely positive or negative about a topic or a person. I reserve the right take digs at him for anything he says or does that's stupid. That doesn't mean I have an irrational hatred towards everything about him or don't appreciate what he got right for us.
resale value = check
Success = check
profit on players brought in if sold = check
players doing well for club = check

Yeh i think Levy will be quite alright with how things went tbh.