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OT: What next for Harry?

ah going over Redknapps time here once again but . . .

it wasn't only two and a half months of woes though was it ? we fell apart the season before in the new year in similar fashion to season just gone ;)

and as for why should we go easy on him ? how about because, like it or lump it - he is our new manager and should be given a fair crack of the whip.

it seems to me that people just can't let go the way Redknapp has been dismissed and replaced so they are choosing to act a certain way on here with regards to his replacement as some kind of crusade to highlight how they feel some people treated Redknapp.

hehe...yes we capitulated the season before i agree, and guess what..harry brought us out of it better than we were before. an if i remember correctly we didnt even have a decent lone striker that year...actually we did (crouch). but you get my drift;)

as for giving AVB a fair crack of the whip? Redknapp wasnt given it so i dont see why AVB should.:-" clearly being our manager means nothing cause of the demonstration of people turning on Harry every time something goes wrong is clear enough to suggest that being our manager doesnt give you quarter.

if it was just levy sacking harry then i wouldnt be into this saga nearly one tenth as much as i am invested now. i dont 'feel' a certain way as to how harry was treated...i KNOW.., i try not to forget ungrateful and undeserved brick people get thrown at them and some of the invented stuff used as 'reasons' for harry to leave was irritating and annoying from my personal perspective. say you dont like him ? fine/......clueless coach? bollox . tactically stupid? rubbish. only buys old players? garbage. cant pull the trigger on transfers? misconception. no plan B? Nope. never told us that he would leave for england? nonsense. uses bale wrong? dont agree. (AVB is doing the same thing no one is jumping down his gullet :-k)......the list goes on and on and on...and these are reason that arent even related to his character or physical impairments .

to think that this man actually had a court case and a health scare hanging over him as well. only for people to disregard the good he did and FOCUS on the 2 and half months of a bad season. we finished 4th!! (thanks to AVB actually, he must have been working for us back then as well)
Yes I do, and your statement clearly demonstrates that you do not. For a mod on a popular forum I think that is unacceptable.

Well. I don't think you do.

So where do we go now?

Oh, hang on, a difference of opinions. Well strike me.

Honestly, MK, chill out fella. It is, as you say, a public forum. And people can be themselves. It really shouldn't be taken so seriously.
hehe...yes we capitulated the season before i agree, and guess what..harry brought us out of it better than we were before. an if i remember correctly we didnt even have a decent lone striker that year...actually we did (crouch). but you get my drift;)

as for giving AVB a fair crack of the whip? Redknapp wasnt given it so i dont see why AVB should.:-" clearly being our manager means nothing cause of the demonstration of people turning on Harry every time something goes wrong is clear enough to suggest that being our manager doesnt give you quarter.

if it was just levy sacking harry then i wouldnt be into this saga nearly one tenth as much as i am invested now. i dont 'feel' a certain way as to how harry was treated...i KNOW.., i try not to forget ungrateful and undeserved brick people get thrown at them and some of the invented stuff used as 'reasons' for harry to leave was irritating and annoying from my personal perspective. say you dont like him ? fine/......clueless coach? bollox . tactically stupid? rubbish. only buys old players? garbage. cant pull the trigger on transfers? misconception. no plan B? Nope. never told us that he would leave for england? nonsense. uses bale wrong? dont agree. (AVB is doing the same thing no one is jumping down his gullet :-k)......the list goes on and on and on...and these are reason that arent even related to his character or physical impairments .

to think that this man actually had a court case and a health scare hanging over him as well. only for people to disregard the good he did and FOCUS on the 2 and half months of a bad season. we finished 4th!! (thanks to AVB actually, he must have been working for us back then as well)

Sadly, it appears that anyone questioning any portion of Harry's reign is destined to be targeted for the rest of their time as a contributor to this forum as some sort of lying idiot who knows nothing and engages in works of fiction to make their point. Personally, I find THIS the saddest thing of all. Genuine questions are simply met with angry rebuttal, and situations get distorted beyond all context.

I just managed to tie off an excellent debate with Joey55, the latter portion of which was exchanged via PM simply because I realize that ANY detailed opinions on Redknapp will result in finger-pointing and deep-rooted, polarized resentment. It's so sad. For the record, I thoroughly enjoyed mine and Joey's debate, there was respect on both sides, and I look forward to future discussions of that nature. Hopefully once again with you, hopefully with others...but it will require a putting down of the shields, an electronic 'handshake', an acceptance that not everyone sees things the same way, an acceptance that success is defined in many different ways (for example, 'success' in life to me is NOT how much money you make, but the quality of the time you spend living your life - doesn't mean it's the ONLY definition of success, it's just mine!) and the realization that we are ALL Spurs supporters. We need to get away from this "need" to be "right" all the time. Truth is, the way we will ALL win is when a manager starts winning trophies with us. Let's hope for the club's sake that it's AVB.
Wonder what the percentages would be if we were to have a poll to gauge opinion on whether fans think Harry was a success or not? In reality he should be getting an overwhelming majority close to 80%, however, as he is not as popular, probably be closer to 50%. Just a thought.
Sadly, it appears that anyone question any portion of Harry's reign is destined to be targeted for the rest of their time as a contributor to this forum as some sort of lying idiot who knows nothing and engages in works of fiction to make their point. Personally, I find THIS the saddest thing of all. Genuine questions are simply met with angry rebuttal, and situations get distorted beyond all context.

I just managed to tie off an excellent debate with Joey55, the latter portion of which was exchanged via PM simply because I realize that ANY detailed opinions on Redknapp will result in finger-pointing and deep-rooted, polarized resentment. It's so sad. For the record, I thoroughly enjoyed mine and Joey's debate, there was respect on both sides, and I look forward to future discussions of that nature. Hopefully once again with you, hopefully with others...but it will require a putting down of the shields, an electronic 'handshake', an acceptance that not everyone sees things the same way, an acceptance that success is defined in many different ways (for example, 'success' in life to me is NOT how much money you make, but the quality of the time you spend living your life - doesn't mean it's the ONLY definition of success, it's just mine!) and the realization that we are ALL Spurs supporters. We need to get away from this "need" to be "right" all the time. Truth is, the way we will ALL win is when a manager starts winning trophies with us. Let's hope for the club's sake that it's AVB.

Agree with most of that.

Admittedley, we need to move on (me included) and accept that we have a new manager, but I don't like it when a poster highlights the good work Redknapp did and is called a troll/WUM.
Wonder what the percentages would be if we were to have a poll to gauge opinion on whether fans think Harry was a success or not? In reality he should be getting an overwhelming majority close to 80%, however, as he is not as popular, probably be closer to 50%. Just a thought.

Don't know how anyone could possibly say he wasn't a success, regardless of how much anyone hates him.
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Yes I do, and your statement clearly demonstrates that you do not. For a mod on a popular forum I think that is unacceptable.


I think the fact that you consider any opinion on Harry Redknapp which runs counter to yours as worthy of attack unacceptable. This is a public forum. It has rules. As long as people stay within the rules, they can have whatever opinion they want. Are people allowed to discuss Harry Redknapp in a Harry Redknapp thread? Are mods allowed to? Do all mods have to agree with you? Why are you always right and everyone who disagrees with you a hypocrite/troll/fill-in-the-blank? As I just mentioned in a reply to Affy, I had a good debate with Joey55. You know something? I actually sat here wondering if I should even exchange ANY pubic opinions with Joey55 on Harry, because I was ABSOLUTELY SURE you would come in and drag it elsewhere. I am actually disgusted with myself for allowing YOU to make ME feel I should keep my opinions to myself. No more. I'm done with that. I'll remain as polite and civil as I try to always be, and further, I will continue to try and move on whenever the chance presents itself. But you're PATENTLY uninterested in moving on, accepting opinions other than your own OR accepting that NOT everyone thinks of myself or other mods as raging hypocrites. And THAT, MLK, is YOUR CHOICE. No-one else's.
Agree with most of that.

Admittedley, we need to move on (me included) and accept that we have a new manager, but I don't like it when a poster highlights the good work Redknapp did and is called a troll/WUM.

I have always tried to explain clearly my feelings on his tenure, and further, explain that what has always really hurt the most about him for me, is the feeling that had he been more applied and a little more honest, he would've been a Spurs immortal. Thus to be fair, I don't like it when the details in my opinions of him are ignored and pushed aside to allow said-opinion to seem one dimensional!
Wonder what the percentages would be if we were to have a poll to gauge opinion on whether fans think Harry was a success or not? In reality he should be getting an overwhelming majority close to 80%, however, as he is not as popular, probably be closer to 50%. Just a thought.

i disagree entirely, haven't seen many, if any posters who don't think Harry was a success here whether they was a fan of his or not
Don't know how anyone could possibly say he wasn't a success, regardless of how much anyone hates him.

My thoughts precisely. People can talk about the fallout from last season but overall can't see anything but a success.
How often can we say that about a Spurs manager?
I have always tried to explain clearly my feelings on his tenure, and further, explain that what has always really hurt the most about him for me, is the feeling that had he been more applied and a little more honest, he would've been a Spurs immortal. Thus to be fair, I don't like it when the details in my opinions of him are ignored and pushed aside to allow said-opinion to seem one dimensional!

That's fair enough. At least you have some valid reasons to back up your arguements.
Wonder what the percentages would be if we were to have a poll to gauge opinion on whether fans think Harry was a success or not? In reality he should be getting an overwhelming majority close to 80%, however, as he is not as popular, probably be closer to 50%. Just a thought.

Cannot remember exactly when, but shortly before he was given the chop there was a poll asking whether Harry should be sacked.

IIRC about 74% voted NO.
i disagree entirely, haven't seen many, if any posters who don't think Harry was a success here whether they was a fan of his or not

Agree with this.

Let me put it in writing as I see it.....

Redknapp joins Spurs with us in the brick.

Gutted, as I see him as a dodgy dealer, don't like his background, don't trust him, but we need someone to sort us out quickly, so prepared to support

Not surprised at start, as TBH, the Queen Mother could have got us out of that run with the players available.

Very surprised......and pleased, at final position that season. Still don't like HR the person, but willing to accept we improved under him.

Gob-smacked at next season, CL qualifiers. Still don't trust HR the person, but yes, impressed at how he has got us playing.

Loved our CL season, but very disappointed we didn't get over the finishing line to qualify again. Feel HR didn't quite have the nous to take us there again, but accepeted we played great football at times. Still wish he would shut-up at times. can be quite embarrassing.

Another great first half of the season. Didn't get over annoyed at he first two results either, but really wish HR would shut-up giving so many soundbites to the press. Very amateurish.
Then..........health.......ok, not his fault, but court case?........hmmmmmmmm
And the England brick?....Sorry, all down to him. Totally lost the plot and we know the result.
The end of last season proved, to me, that HR is all about HR. Was never bothered to see him go. Didn't hate. Just thought.....meh.

And that's it really. No hate. No love. Impressed at times, but like my old school reports......could/should do better.

And here we are with AVB.

Now, AVB has picked us up at the start of a season, with the squad incomplete, and new ideas. I don't have pre-conceived ideas about AVB, because there is no way anyone should judge him on his time at Abramovich FC because that is just a pantomime.

We have to give him time. Even AVB would have got us out of "2 points from 8 games".

If it's a transitional season, fine. So be it.

But for christs sake, lets support.
that summary probably echoes true for a lot of people Crawley - although Im sure TMK will consult his online bank vault of GG quotes he has saved over the years to tell us we were in fact all putting pins in to a Harry Redknapp voodoo doll and cursing every win all along. . .
Agree with this.

Let me put it in writing as I see it.....

Redknapp joins Spurs with us in the brick.

Gutted, as I see him as a dodgy dealer, don't like his background, don't trust him, but we need someone to sort us out quickly, so prepared to support

Not surprised at start, as TBH, the Queen Mother could have got us out of that run with the players available.

Very surprised......and pleased, at final position that season. Still don't like HR the person, but willing to accept we improved under him.

Gob-smacked at next season, CL qualifiers. Still don't trust HR the person, but yes, impressed at how he has got us playing.

Loved our CL season, but very disappointed we didn't get over the finishing line to qualify again. Feel HR didn't quite have the nous to take us there again, but accepeted we played great football at times. Still wish he would shut-up at times. can be quite embarrassing.

Another great first half of the season. Didn't get over annoyed at he first two results either, but really wish HR would shut-up giving so many soundbites to the press. Very amateurish.
Then..........health.......ok, not his fault, but court case?........hmmmmmmmm
And the England brick?....Sorry, all down to him. Totally lost the plot and we know the result.
The end of last season proved, to me, that HR is all about HR. Was never bothered to see him go. Didn't hate. Just thought.....meh.

And that's it really. No hate. No love. Impressed at times, but like my old school reports......could/should do better.

And here we are with AVB.

Now, AVB has picked us up at the start of a season, with the squad incomplete, and new ideas. I don't have pre-conceived ideas about AVB, because there is no way anyone should judge him on his time at Abramovich FC because that is just a pantomime.

We have to give him time. Even AVB would have got us out of "2 points from 8 games".

If it's a transitional season, fine. So be it.

But for christs sake, lets support.

So, thats it then? He wasn't a success for you? I think a lot of people are misguided and think we have a rich history of success and high finishes in the league.
i disagree entirely, haven't seen many, if any posters who don't think Harry was a success here whether they was a fan of his or not


He WAS a success over the three seasons. What people fail to recognize about some of the so-called 'Anti-Harry' opinions is that some of us believe that had he been able to focus more, his relative success would've increased and he would have become the statue outside the Lane!!!!! Thus the frustration is two-fold; he could've been 'the man' yet by the end, he refused to accept any responsibility for the few mistakes he did make.
i disagree entirely, haven't seen many, if any posters who don't think Harry was a success here whether they was a fan of his or not

THIS. You may dislike - even Hate - the man. But you cannot deny his results. I think for most it was a question of 'can he take us further than this'? I was one of those who didn't think so.

But I cannot deny he did very well in the league for us over hs tenure.