Jezza Christensen and all his carpenter friends, that was a psycho match.
Loads of positives, quite a few known issues, and a few new ones.
First positive: Everyone seems fired up, ready to go.
Second, the deck has been reshuffled, and everyone has a fresh chance to restart their season.
Now, if our issues were only skin deep, so small that they could be fixed by a single training session and some pep-talk it would be bliss.
It will take time to get all of them sorted out, but this should be an encouraging start. The sexy thing to do in this match would have been to fold up, not only on 3-1/3-2, but on the red card, and then on not being able to get the substitutions done due to pressure.
We did not fold, even if we rode our safety margin by quite a distance for a while.
If Conte can plaster over _that_ crack in the Spurs DNA in one session, I'm rather intrigued about what he can do in a full week of training...
The left side needs working on. Reggie looked to be a bit too hot for a while, some of the passes he sent to Davies were nasty and could have caused real problems.
PEH/Skipp-combo is limited. Both are great workers, but neither seems to set the world on fire with creativity. Moura is high energy, high risk, but also high gain if utilised. It will be exiting to see what kind of combination we'll end up with on both sides, Reggie/Son on the left and Emerson/Moura on the right can be lethal if we manage to balance it properly, but I suspect we're in for a few weeks with nailbitings, hairpulling and bloodcurdling screams at the tv/pitch for us supporters before Conte has it all nailed down.
But hey, we're Spurs. We're used to that!