Does anyone have any proof of Khelif having an XY chromosome? All I’m seeing is hearsay and speculation.
I’m not an expert in this area, I know very little about it. But from what I do know, the XY chromosome does seem to give an unfair advantage so should be tested where there is doubt. I’d be interested to hear the IOC explain why they don’t.
Secondly, I’ve seen nothing factual that says Khelif has the chromosome. The test that disqualified her has been withheld in terms of the methodology used and the result.
Yet, we have so many people branding Khelif “a man” and “a cheater”. I absolutely agree that safety should be the primary concern for combat sports but there are still too many unanswered questions here for people to be spouting some of the bile I’ve seen.
There’s a human being on the end of this who has identified female her entire life. Some of the stuff being thrown at her is irresponsible and very very nasty.