Radek Cerny
I just had one of these delivered. Oh yeah. I'm sad.

Mine across many platforms:
Counterstrike 1.6
Super Mario Cart
Streetfighter 2
Space Harrier (Arcade)
Ghosts & Goblins
Unreal Tournament
Gauntlet was excellent but had to be player multi player. I'm still doubting that anyone can single handedly complete the game.
7 going on 17Depends on how old.... Plants v Zombies is fun and not gory but it is a FPS at heart.
I've got a PS4 and am looking forward to super time force coming out on that
I never actually owned my own PS2. Played a few games here and there on a friends, though. He just gave me his slim PS2 and a load of games. Anybody know what's particularly worth a look at out of these? Cheers
So... come on then - what are all of your top 10 games of all time/any systems?
Anyone got any recommendations for kids games on XBox One? Had a quick google and came up with:
Child of Light
Super Time Force
Lego Movie
Lego Batman 3
Lego Marvel Super Heroes
Plants vs Zombies
Any of these must haves or best to avoid, any others?
Already got FIFA, Minecraft, Forza