Trevor is one of the greatest characters in gaming history.
Anyone buy pes thoughts?
Totti in PES14
I heard there's a patch coming out soon with over 900 faces
Where do cars disappear to in GTA5?
I had a souped up car, spent $7000 on it. Playing as Michael, I drove it to his house, intending to store the car in the garage. I couldn't store the car in the garage as the mission 'Daddy's Little Girl' auto started. My car disappeared!
Wanting to find it but guessing that's it gone?
Got the new PES but it will probably still be in it's wrapper in a weeks time. Can't get enough of GTA, I spend most my time traveling across the map with no real destination rather than doing missions at the moment.
Just earned 20,000,000 on the stockmarket! if i recommend anything, DONT do the assassinations till you've completed the main story!
Wow, I didn't realise that I was in for a half hour treat of watching concept art before I can even start playing!!
I thought it was advisable not to install, due to glitches, so why the install disc and no option whether to install or not?