Terry Naylor
It’s very very goodLooks a good cast, I'm going to watch it this Saturday.
Shines a really bad light on the police back then
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It’s very very goodLooks a good cast, I'm going to watch it this Saturday.
It’s very very good
Shrines a really bad light on the police back then
I think I said it before, so I might be saying it again, but Strange New worlds is BRILLIANT. Harkens back to the original series, but as if they were making it now. The weaving in of old characters and old storylines is beautiful.I was moaning about Picard season 3 on here a while back and had ditched it after a couple of episodes. I will humbly admit that I was wrong as I went crawling back and found it to be pretty fudging marvelous. Can't speak for everyone but I'd guess it was what the people wanted from the start. Next generation has been the only Star Trek series that I've got into and sure occasionally the special effects or aliens might be a bit toss by today's standards but it still holds up as brilliant television for so many reasons.
There are a couple of points with picard that relate to specific plot points so I'll spoiler them for folks who haven't seen it yet and would like to.
I do think think the reasons given for Beverly Crusher effectively hiding the existence of Picard's son for over 20 years are not quite plausible imo, no point moaning about it but it takes a bit of suspension of disbelief on a human level. Very little time was spent to explain the impact cutting ties from her career and existing family ie the crew of the enterprise so it made it hard to buy.
The leader of the changelings was just a bit of a cringe actor imo but at least she died earlyish before it all kicked off with the borg (again!).
Despite that, the return of the Enterprise was class, as nerdy as it is a tear came to my eye when they reunited on the bridge in the penultimate episode and the last poker game was beautiful + some great stuff with Data even if he'd already died once, at least it wasn't some multiverse gonad*s i guess.
I'd be down to give a spin off with 7of9 as captain a go for sure but wary of it then relying on cameos and not properly being able to be it's own thing...
I think I said it before, so I might be saying it again, but Strange New worlds is BRILLIANT. Harkens back to the original series, but as if they were making it now. The weaving in of old characters and old storylines is beautiful.
Yeh its grim, the cover part was well covered
Gutted to hear about Matthew Perry. Absolutely love Friends. Watched it from beginning to end a couple of gears ago and it’s still funny today. Maybe hasn’t aged as well as some other shows like Frasier but people still love it to this day.
See they are doing a new series of frasier. Nicholas lyndhurst is in it i think.
10 years since it was launched, but if you haven't watched The Americans, it's well worth it! Still one of my favourite series ever. Will watch it again, after I've finished watching House of Cards for the 2nd time.Can anyone recommend a tv show to watch? Something on the lines of house, the menatlist, lie to me, the west wing or the news room?
Based in reality, fairly intelligent about competent people.
10 years since it was launched, but if you haven't watched The Americans, it's well worth it! Still one of my favourite series ever. Will watch it again, after I've finished watching House of Cards for the 2nd time.
Can anyone recommend a tv show to watch? Something on the lines of house, the menatlist, lie to me, the west wing or the news room?
Based in reality, fairly intelligent about competent people.
Probably not adding anything new, but it's difficult to match those shows. Plenty have tried and failed
Money heist, mind hunter, Sherlock (possibly elementary), luther
Just watched the first episode of poker face. Thought it was great. We'll see if it pans out.
Life on Mars.Was wanting something less intense. Maybe more episodic. But not to the extent where it's silly. If you know what i mean.