Terry Naylor
Why no second season?Watchmen just ended on HBO. 9 perfect episodes and likely no second season.
Why no second season?Watchmen just ended on HBO. 9 perfect episodes and likely no second season.
Quite enjoying The Witcher.
Its all been done before, but this is done pretty well.
Not amazing, but if you like fantasy stuff its worth a go
Having read the books and played the games I must say I really really enjoyed it. Was quite faithful to the first book of short stories I thought, the odd changes here and there that didn't take much away. Was happy with Cavill's Geralt (he's a huge fan of the books and games so wasn't surprised) and the rest of the main cast were all well done too IMO, want a second season but will probably just replay the games in the meantime!
Having never read the books or played the games Im quite enjoying it (got 2 left I think) but am not blown away.
I think Cavill/Geralt is wooden as hell, but it seems thats the character (so good casting in that case?) and the rest are all doing well I think. Yenifer pre/post her graduation is really good I think.
Its not a 10/10 for me, possibly because I dont have the inbuilt love for it, it all seems fairly tried and tested - but it is well done and I am enjoying it. More a 7/10.
Oh it's not perfect but yeah 7/10 seems about right to me too.
Cavill is just wooden in general if you ask me but thought he was good in this. Agreed on Yennifer, she was my favourite part of it too, also Jaskier (Dandelion) was very well done I thought, just the right amount of annoying.
Have to say, and I fully recognise its a small and petty thing, but I really like the swearing.
Its naturally done, and appropriate to the situation, and I dont think we hear "B.o.l.l.o.c.k.s" (or "W.a.n.k.e.r") on TV nearly enough![]()
Just skip straight to the answer:I quite fancy watching the best TV programme of the 2010s, but there’s no reliably crowdsourced mechanism for identifying it through a series of unfair match-ups.
I quite fancy watching the best TV programme of the 2010s, but there’s no reliably crowdsourced mechanism for identifying it through a series of unfair match-ups.
Just watched “ Don’t fudge with Cats “ It’s on Netflix.
There’s some sick people in the world.
Anyone watched it ? Thoughts ?
my son warned me off
He didn’t like it said it was horrible or something along those lines and I just thought okay!Why’s that ? Just out of interest
He didn’t like it said it was horrible or something along those lines and I just thought okay!
Started Goliath, on Amazon. I like it.