Jurgen the German
Steve Sedgley
I just got that
Felina - Finale
and dont bother saying any of you got it.
I didn't get until Vince Gilligan revealed what it meant in Talking Bad.
I just got that
Felina - Finale
and dont bother saying any of you got it.
I didn't get until Vince Gilligan revealed what it meant in Talking Bad.
Thank GHod - I thought I was a bozo.
Whats Talking Bad?
Loved the finale of BB
Great ending, the show will be sadly missed...
So, best TV show of all time?
i can certainly see why so many love and would hold it as their personal favorite but i think if most looked at it objectively it doesn't really match up to the best shows.
quality of what exactly? i think you're being a little bit selective if you're saying The Sopranos had dips in quality but BB never - the pace would often drop in The Sopranos, agreed - but quality? not in my opinion, the show produced quality at every turn (and im not talking purely with regards to the story line here) even when episodes seemed to have little going on it was done so well that it didn't matter - it just oozed cinematic class with every shot.
in BB the story goes from strength to strength i agree - it's quite a unique show really in the way that it's been five seasons with little else other than one story line with a handful of characters, how do you go about comparing that to shows which have multiple threads spanning years with huge casts of characters which they build on such a grand scale? it's not really a fair comparison as there's little in common.
there's more to a show (other than BB...) than a particular story line (of which in The Sopranos there are many intertwined running throughout the series) you may or may not like, i don't particularly like The Wire all that much, for example, but can appreciate it's quality outside of what happens over the course of a season. series 4 of The Sopranos and the breakdown in the Soprano marriage provided moments that you will rarely see outside of the big screen - the overall quality of the shows production/acting/dialogue etc never dropped, if anything they turned it up a notch over that season and more importantly it set up the final two and half seasons - it was pivotal to the show as a whole. i guess it goes back to what i said about not doing much but doing it well.
as for the final episode - The Sopranos wasn't a show which was leading up to one final moment, one last hurrah, like BB - so i don't really see the need to go in to it all that much you don't need to tie everything up in a neat little package, life goes on things get left up in the air. they settled the important things and left an air of ambiguity which felt right to me.
I thought it was a decent ending. I don't think you can expect the ending of a five series show to be its climax and best episode. I don't think the final series of any of my favourite shows has been my favourite.
for me, 24's last season was everything from the first to last minuite! it certainly picked up from the last few "poorer" seasons
the first 3 are my favourite, but on paper I'd say the last one was the strongest!
as for breaking bad, the Mrs and I have almost finished season 2 and will rock it all out in the next few weeks..... it is up there with the best shows I've watched already!
I thought it was a decent ending. I don't think you can expect the ending of a five series show to be its climax and best episode. I don't think the final series of any of my favourite shows has been my favourite.