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*** Official Music Thread ***

1. Slooooooooooooow-burner
2. Needs vocals or it becomes a movie soundtrack
3. Nice enough but doesn't need 12 minutes to get there

Ah. No point in posting up any Godspeed You Black Emperor, Magyar Posse, Silent Whale Becomes A Dream, Evpatoria Report, Explosions In The Sky, Jakob or the like, then, as far as you're concerned. I'd recommend them all, though.

I've developed a grudge against vocals. @elltrev's track - best bit for me is 02:00. Lovely guitar, sadly then the singer comes in. No offence meant if you're the frontman of the band, Elltrev.

As for Sound Effects, that's probably the Jam at their best, musically, but I don't want to have Weller's grating nonsense in my ears. So:

1) That's entertainment? Pshaw.
2) A subculture based on scooters is even sillier than one based on proper bikes.
3) Weller's veneration by the 1994 Britpop lot was the most baffling aspect of the whole era after the four-button suits

This is why I'm glad I'm not part of generation playing it safe. An act of this size would have been lucky to get on stage in the spastic tent (you know, the one where everyone wore baggy shirts and spent all day trying to chew their own noses off) in the middle of the day when I used to go to Glastonbury. Headlining was reserved for truly world renowned, stadium filling acts.
Saw this supremely talented musician play with the amazing and ever-changing Snarky Puppy jazz ensemble this past summer.

Would love to see him headline his own show. This man can play:

And, of course, I'd be totally remiss if I didn't include a reference to Snarky Puppy's Londoner, the gifted keyboard artist, Bill Laurance. Sumptuous stuff:

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Cheesy, formulaic, uninspired.

He bricks bigger than you.

Grammy nominated this past year.

He's very good at making fun of himself. When his sincere/sarcastic country music artist approach didn't hit widespread appeal, he turned to self parody, using cliché rock band Fountains of Wayne as a counterpoint (Stacy's Mom was their big hit {with the Rachel Hunter bikini video} [

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I've been listening to an "old" album lately. It was a local band called Ghost:dog. They can sound a bit like R.E.M, Stone Roses and even a bit of Iggy.
It's a very good album, and I know all of the members, especially the vocalist, Ivan Magnussen, who had an amazing voice, but unfortunately committed suicide about a year after the release of the album, just as they were breaking through.
The album is produced by John Cornfield, mostly know as the producer for New Model Army and Muse.
Here's the link if anyone wants to have a listen. My favorites are "idiot savant", Grand Idea, A perfectly orchestrated demise and Indian ropetrick.
Here's the link if anyone wants to give it a listen.

RIP Ivan.
I was thinking about my top albums of the year today. I came up with this (not in order)

Ash – Islands
Beans On Toast - A Bird In The Hand
Blinders - Columbia
Dodge Brothers - Drive Train
Estrons - You Say I’m Too Much, I Say You’re Not Enough
Gaz Coombes - World's Strongest Man
Idles - Joy As An Act Of Resistance
Jeffrey Lewis - Works By Tuli Kupferberg
Johnny Marr - Call The Comet
Paul McCartney - Egypt Station
Professor Elemental - School Of Whimsy
Suede - The Blue Hour
Warmduscher - Whale City

I think Call The Comet is my favourite.

What are other people's top 10 or so?
Top 10 - without repeating the bands!:

Misplaced Childhood - Marillion
Who’s Next - The Who
Delicate Sound of Thunder - Pink Floyd
Ride the Lightening - Metallica
Gravedancers Union - Soul Asylum
Ten - Pearl Jam
If you want blood, you’ve got it -AC/DC
Powerslave - Iron Maiden
Blood, Fire, Love - The Almighty
Lights, Camera, Revolution - Suicidal Tendancies
Top 10 - without repeating the bands!:

Misplaced Childhood - Marillion
Who’s Next - The Who
Delicate Sound of Thunder - Pink Floyd
Ride the Lightening - Metallica
Gravedancers Union - Soul Asylum
Ten - Pearl Jam
If you want blood, you’ve got it -AC/DC
Powerslave - Iron Maiden
Blood, Fire, Love - The Almighty
Lights, Camera, Revolution - Suicidal Tendancies

What about of this year/2018?
Yeah.....can’t say anything has really grabbed me this year. The new Muse
Album is good and I quite like greta Van Fleet but nothing has really stood out!
Can't remember the last time i listened to a newly released album

It's not been a great year at all to be honest.

I've noticed this can coincide with years when there's no Glastonbury, as more interesting acts miss that mass exposure opportunity.
Watching the superbowl and I've just seen Maroon 5 for the first time.

Coldplay, I take it all back. I didn't truly understand mediocrity until Maroon 5. And WTF is up with the singer? I think he's trying to affect some kind of leadman arrogance, but just ends up looking like he's just had a week's worth of Tramadol.

Just when I thought I was past getting angry at how brick modern music is, this happens.