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*** Official Film Thread ***

Watched The Cabin in the Woods. Was told it was AMAZING.

Don't know about amazing, but different and enjoyable none the less. If you haven't seen it, and like horror films, make sure you read nothing else about the movie - it's a better experience knowing absolutely nothing about the flick. If you do, then like me, you'll sit there the whole movie going ' what the f...'
Watched The Cabin in the Woods. Was told it was AMAZING.

Don't know about amazing, but different and enjoyable none the less. If you haven't seen it, and like horror films, make sure you read nothing else about the movie - it's a better experience knowing absolutely nothing about the flick. If you do, then like me, you'll sit there the whole movie going ' what the f...'

I didn't like it all. Don't see what the fuss is about. Some of it pretty ridiculous, the bit with the invisible wall!

I get the fact that there are plenty of references to classic horror films, but I didn't think it was anything special at all.

The horror genre is at an all time low for me, although I do like the Paranormal Activity films.
In that sense, it's more sci-fi than horror. I assumed the invisible wall was there so if a monster got out, it would be contained within the area.

It jumped from genre to genre - slasher, to fantasy, to sci-fi, to action - which is why it's so unique.

Think some reviews I've read since were a bit over the top, but it was still a fun movie worth seeing once.
is it over for the horror genre?

i mean you can't really do much with horror now. The slasher is overdone. When Scream come out at the time it was refreshing with the use of mobile phones, throwing all cliche's out the window etc. but I doubt they can do much now with that, twitter or other social media will most likely be kittend out but it won't be fresh.

the "video camera" horrors seem to be getting kittend out now. Paranormal Activity is good, I like it. But I think they're overdoing it now. A part of me thinks it's over for the horror now and it'll never be at that stage where you go the cinema and get legit fudging freaked out any more. Where you hear things when texas chainsaw massacre was in the cinemas back in the 70s and people were fainting and being sick etc as well as other horrors of its day.

A part of me though is quite excited for the NEWEST horror film that will eventually go down as a classic if there is one, because I do like a good horror don't get me wrong, I just want something new.
Like you say, the slasher/torture stuff is overdone. Same thing happens every time someone comes up with a new idea. The big companies all trying to grab some quick cash. Slashers, torture, shaky camera, zombies.

I'm of the opinion that it doesn't have to be gross to be scary. Some of the absolute best ones have no blood in them. No amount of blood and gore can cover for a weak script and that's Hollywood's biggest failing at the moment in all genres. Someone has an idea for a plot, then some hacks fill in the standard cliche dialog. If nobody has an idea, they just remake something from another country.

There's been some absolutely brilliant films coming out of Asia and Spain. All redone by Hollywood, removing a lot of what made the originals good fearing that the American audiences won't "get it".
Exactly. Some of the best horror films of all time are just not gory. Halloween for example which is my all time favourite horror film, just think it's brilliantly made and the score is a classic, you don't see knife entering the body once and I don't think you see blood once in the whole film neither. Psyco too, you don't see the knife go into the body or anything in the famous shower scene, your mind does all that for you.

Yeah, REC I thought was brilliant, but America did some fudging horrid remake.
The American remake was Quarantine. Funny thing is that the Spanish and American versions got two completely different follow ups. I think Quarantine 2 was a completely independent script, then some genius decided to slap a known title on it to draw some attention.
The torture porn films are the worst ones. Films like The Human Centipede are dragging the horror genre into the toilet. But some sickos obviously get off watching that kind of thing.

I agree that horror films don't have to be gory to be scary.
Watched Chronicle for the first time yesterday.

Looked really good from the clips we had seen, but felt letdown by the whole movie
The torture porn films are the worst ones. Films like The Human Centipede are dragging the horror genre into the toilet. But some sickos obviously get off watching that kind of thing.

I agree that horror films don't have to be gory to be scary.

I really liked Saw and thought it was a bit innovative. Saw 2 as well I really liked. At least it has a bit of a story, a bit of a puzzle going on.

Films like Hostel, The Hills Have Eyes remake, the new Halloween are just poor excuses to show how clever we can kill people.

I used to love watching all the Friday the 13ths when I was younger. One of the stations here would have them on Friday nights so a few of us would drink beers and watch them. Now I know they drifted off into crapness but early on, the movies were half interesting.
I also watched No Country for Old Men on the weekend.

Really can't see why it was so well received...

I think I need to watch it again with subtitles.

It's a travesty that it beat There Will Be Blood in the Oscars. TWBB is as close to perfect cinema as you can get.
I think I need to watch it again with subtitles.

It's a travesty that it beat There Will Be Blood in the Oscars. TWBB is as close to perfect cinema as you can get.

Me and you clearly don't like the same films :)

I didn't enjoy There Will Be Blood. Thought it was too slow and I'm not into religion at all which is a big chunk of what the film is about.

All I can say is, watch No Country again. One of my favourite films of the last few years! I liked the story and the characters, Javier Bardem was a great villain, plus the choice of weapon he used to off people was unique and different.
Saw Samsara at Exeter Picture House last night, 9/10. EPIC. Visual meditation, with some jarring bits.

Probably would have been 9.5 if I hadn't seen Baraka.

I see that the Waterloo IMAX is showing Samsara (http://www.odeon.co.uk/fanatic/film_info/s211/BFI_IMAX/m14001/Samsara/) which I might try and get down to, it must look absolutely epic on the giant screen especially as it was filmed on 70mm film. Would be great if they could do a double feature with Baraka before it!
Really liked Chronicle, got a bit Emo towards the end but a decent movie.

For the first half I agree it was good, had the potential to be a really decent film, but they definitely didnt seem to know exactly where to go with the plot and it just went OTT, leaving me feeling letdown
I think I need to watch it again with subtitles.

It's a travesty that it beat There Will Be Blood in the Oscars. TWBB is as close to perfect cinema as you can get.

I liked both films a lot, but personally, TWBB was the first time PTA made a great great piece. And you're right, it was! Just saw the trailer for his forthcoming film Thye Master, and it looked excellent...