Seedy Ron
Pedro Mendes
That'd be mine too.Rear Window
That'd be mine too.Rear Window
I saw a film called Young Adult on the plane. By the guy who did Up In the Air. Very enjoyable film. Also saw Jeff Who Lives at Home on the way out. That was also well worth a lot if you like low key indie films.
The Goonies is on channel 5 tomorrow. Never seen it before, so I'll finally see what all the fuss is about.
the goonies is on channel 5 tomorrow. Never seen it before, so i'll finally see what all the fuss is about.
Hope The Sweeney remake/new film of old telly classic, is up to snuff...out in Sept...
Rear Window
I'm going to try to get to a screening of this, from August 31st,
Samsara (The ever turning wheel of life)
Downloading an older film by the same maker now, Baraka.
Man on a Ledge - 2/10
Cringeworthy and about as believable as time travel. Will never get that time back